How to separate pellets from ductseal?

I use picks to dig out the pellets. I’m thinking of switching to the rubber mulch pellet trap. It don’t take long to pick out the pellets but it is a pain in the butt.
Rubber mulch is the way to go. I dump my shot up mulch into my empty shop vac and fill it water. The rubber floats to the top and is skimmed off. The lead settles on the bottom where it is recycled into bullets for the muzzle-loaders and Ruger Old Army..
When I built my pellet trap, I used a steel plate tilted at 45 degrees to deflect the pellets into an old blanket for easy retrieval. Used construction adhesive to glue a piece of drywall to the back of the steel plate, very little noise due to the drywall deadening the ring, much easier to retrieve the smashed pellets. Couldnt afford the ductseal for my trap that is 36" x 78" opening, yea it is a big one!
I have done some blacksmithing work. Usually slap a magnet on the anvil and it takes away the ringing every time you strike it. Should be able to do the same with the steel back plate if you don't wanna mess with glue and drywall.

I think that I am going to go back to the 45 degree steel plate style of trap. I made one when I bought my FWB 124 and foolishly sold it.

I like your idea of using drywall for sound deadening, the trap that I made had 2 inches of dry sand behind the steel. The sand worked well but the trap was pretty heavy.

The one thing that worked for killing the energy on the pellet was adding a 1/8 inch thick steel plate that was "leaned" (and secured) against the 45 degree back plate. The pellet would hit the back plate, slide down along it to hit the 1/8 inch "shear plate" and tear itself into curly fragments that would fall into the bottom of the trap.

When the pellet fragments the particles can more easily fly around and get into the air. Just using a heavy plate to deflect keeps the smashed pellets in larger pieces, making them easier to retrieve and less likely to turn into powder and mix into the air.
Inhaling lead dust is not a good idea, one reason most traps try to keep the bullet in larger pieces if not one large piece. Food for thought !!