I can give my opinion. It isnt worth much but its free!

I have been swaging with Corbin equipment for about a year and half. I started doing 22 slugs then for my 45 longrange muzzleloader now 25 cal airgun.
I have dies in .218 to do flat base , dish base and cup base. my experiancee the cup base didnt shoot good in my guns or my friends so several diffent brands. I can do standard hollow point , large hollow point , and hollow ogive [ like the FX hybred ]. I also have the X punch [ segmented ] hollow point.
I got the 25 caliber dies yesterday afternoon. i got .250 dish base and boat tail base. hollow ogive with the large and small hollow point pins. I made some yesterday and just got home from our indoor range testing in my FX Panthera. the dish base hollow ogive lg HP at 54.5 grains here are the results according to my Garmin chronograph. 10 shots avg 92.9 ft-lbs ave 876 fps spread 18.4 std sev 5.1 these functioned well in the mag. show great accuracy potential.
The boat tail hollow ogive lg HP 52.7 grains 10 shots avg 94 ft-lbs avg 896.3 fps spread 12.7 std dev 3.3 these also functioned well in the mag and great accuracy potential!
Granted only two ten shot strings at close range but i wanted make sure they functioned before making a bunch!
This is the weekend before our deer season opener so our indoor 100 yard rifle range is swamped so ill do longer range testing later. Oh and this was done with the tune I had on my rifle. I havnt played with that at all yet!
I know this isnt real scientific but its some information to start with. when I talked to Corbin last Monday they had a few sets of .250 and one of .251 dies on hand ready to ship. They are super people to deal with!!!!