AEA HP Max in Europe has a regulator!?

hi folks, i just ordered my aea hp max in .45 and i found this information....and i have to say that i am quite disappointed. I live in Greece and we have non restrictions so i'm afraid about having to deal with all these power limited rifles that are selling in EU. Did they fix the problem or latest orders are still experiencin the same issues? Thinking about cancelling my order. :(
and thanx for the info, greatly appreciated :)

I'm still waiting for the original bottle adapters without the gauge as I was one of the first buyers and they promised me to fix it. But now you can order the HP MAX unrestricted (FAC) at

Maybe you can send them an email asking if the FAC rifles come with the original bottle adapters or still have that ridiculous european version...

Only thing these (and other) rifles need are spare O-rings. Don't buy them at AEA Spain but buy them much cheaper in bulk on the internet.

thanx for chiming in mate.​

i bought mine from aea site but seems that anyway they still ship from spain and the contact in aea site is the representant in spain. I ordered the FAC model but to make sure i got in touch via whatsapp with the guys in spain just to clear the situation about this detail and even sending screenshots of this forum. If they are thinking to send me a castrated gun made for eu restricted countries i am going to cancel the order and ask for a refund because i am not willing to go through hedakes on a +1000€ gun.
They told me that they will contact me on monday so i will update when i'll get an answer and hope it clears up also for future buyers in EU.
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Ok, got an answer from the guys in Spain and to get the full urestricted model i have to choose the model with the carbon cylinder. They guarantee that also the internal parts are not the EU limited version. So for 100€ more i'll go for the upgrade.
So here you have it, if you live in an unrestricted country, you have to go with the carbon bottle version to avoid all the issues.
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Ok, got an answer from the guys in Spain and to get the full urestricted model i have to choose the model with the carbon cylinder. They guarantee that also the internal parts are not the EU limited version. So for 100€ more i'll go for the upgrade.
So here you have it, if you live in an unrestricted country, you have to go with the carbon bottle version to avoid all the issues.
That's a €200,- upgrade you don't need. Just order the FAC and you'll be fine.
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@RCx2020 i ordered the FAC version, still they told me that to get the fully unrestricted version i have to order the model with carbon bottle. :rolleyes:
Memory fail, i thought it was just 100€ but you are right, it's 200. They'll contact me tomorrow and will see but already told them that for 200€ i'm going to cancel the order.
The regular FAC has exactly the same power output as the more expensive carbon bottle (that weighs slightly less, nothing more). When I ordered my HP Max 45 from them it was €800,- (pre-order). The current European prices are simply ridiculous... These things are like $600,- in the States...
The regular FAC has exactly the same power output as the more expensive carbon bottle (that weighs slightly less, nothing more). When I ordered my HP Max 45 from them it was €800,- (pre-order). The current European prices are simply ridiculous... These things are like $600,- in the States...
do you know if the actual FAC they are delivering is the one with the 2 gauges? That thing bothers me and make me think that there might be something else in the internals of the gun
do you know if the actual FAC they are delivering is the one with the 2 gauges? That thing bothers me and make me think that there might be something else in the internals of the gun

Unless they changed it you will get the version with two gauges. Your barrel will however also be a bit longer than the US version so that's a plus. There is nothing restricting airflow in the internals. And you can always do what user Bas (a couple of posts back) has done and replace the second gauge with a foster connector (and you don't need to fool around with a filling probe anymore...).
Unless they changed it you will get the version with two gauges. Your barrel will however also be a bit longer than the US version so that's a plus. There is nothing restricting airflow in the internals. And you can always do what user Bas (a couple of posts back) has done and replace the second gauge with a foster connector (and you don't need to fool around with a filling probe anymore...).
thanx mate, good to know. anyways i'm waiting for the call from their side and hopefully everything will be cleared up. Will update with their response.
hi folks, got mine a few weeks ago but still shot just a few slugs because i didn't have time. Printed some parts, now ready for the range. What a beast
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BinTacLLC has longer barrels ("power upgrade") for the 45 and 50 cal max. Which makes it more similar to the "M50" model. So you may want to look at M50 reviews to get an idea of how that would work out for you.
thanx, will have a look. top would be able to change also barrel caliber working on the spring. have no idea if it's possible.
Ok ill try again with this! This is my HP 350 Max.Its a european restricted version,originally with 2 gauges.I have changed the internal valve.I have tapped ,threaded the hole on side of tube as shown.Plus I have fitted a Foster valve to fill.Despite my efforts,when I use the WULF compressor.Even though the compressor shows 2000lbs,the gauge only shows 100lbs.Ive tried with 2 gauges.Same result.Any ideas please guys?

aea 021.jpg

aea 022.jpg