HPA Hose for Tethering Regulator. What Are You Using?

Depending on my bench setup I am using...
Micro-Bore from 2-4 foot in length...
I chose a 5 foot hose from Huma, plus their inline tank regulator (1197).
The regulator is the most streamlined of all tank regs that I could find. One small gauge (reg pressure) was more appealing to me than two large gauges similar to a gas welding setup (tank pressure and reg pressure). My AVenturi tank already has a small gauge on it showing remaining fill.

This made for a really small and streamlined regulated setup, that can stay within the carry bag, at HALF the cost of other bulkier outfits.

For abrasion resistance of the micro bore hose, I bought a short length of PET wire sheathing on Amazon for cheap.
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