It can happen but the tanks are designed usually to go it a fire on the back of someone so it is a what if and if you worry about what if scenarios all the time you would be scared of everything
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Absolutely right. If used in fire fighting and are safe, airgun use will never see service like that, unless you’re stupid.It can happen but the tanks are designed usually to go it a fire on the back of someone so it is a what if and if you worry about what if scenarios all the time you would be scared of everything
Not trying to be a dick, not sure I understand how 135-225psi lower pressure makes it safer.I do not worry about stuff i cannot control . In this case i just do not over fill anything and also i under fill by about 3 or 5 % .
just do not like pushing to a items max. like any tool .Not trying to be a dick, not sure I understand how 135-225psi lower pressure makes it safer.
I said it because I try to not worry about the what ifs my self with my anxietyAbsolutely right. If used in fire fighting and are safe, airgun use will never see service like that, unless you’re stupid.
Many years ago Ann Landers had an advice column. One time she had somebody that was afraid of everything. I don’t remember the exact words and didn’t find it on google, but it went something like…
Don’t walk you might trip, don’t run you might fall, don’t sleep you might not wake up, don’t eat you might choke, don’t swim you might drown.
Get the idea? There are no guarantees in life. Is there that SCBA out there that might blow up in your face as you’re filling it? Maybe. Unlikely? Absolutely.
If that’s your fear, take up knitting. No wait, you might jam a knitting needle in your eye.
When I was learning to skydive, on my fifth or sixth jump it was just me and the pilot in a Cessna. We were flying at the moment in heavy clouds. The pilot yells to me “Watch for airplanes”. I could see the propeller, that was all. I would have seen the oncoming plane when it contacted ours. My instructors favorite saying was “You pays your money and you takes your chances”.
I did a boat load of extreme sport stuff and survived quite well. You educate yourself and make informed, hopefully wise decisions, or you just read about other peoples adventures.
Fantastic read from the Navy study!I've tried to attach a report by the Navy that details their good experience with SCBA tanks. Large portions of it talk about an alternate testing program but there is still a lot of information on their experience. They use a lot of SCBA tanks.
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What do you mean by” a tube weld had failed”. I don’t have one of those filters. Curious where a welded component is used.ALL my tanks, several including my PPCs, has the letters DOT stamped on them. The cost of some of the oversea tanks are very attractive without the DOT stamps. Since the US Navy has SCUBA tanks covered, me myself and I would be more concerned with the flood of low cost filter housing from overseas markets. On filter I sent back to Amazon shows a tube weld had failed. He lived! This one:
Maybe look at the link I sent? There is only one tube I know of, right? Look under reviews...What do you mean by” a tube weld had failed”. I don’t have one of those filters. Curious where a welded component is used.
Wow. According to the specs the product , main components are 7075 aluminum. It would be made from extruded tube or bored out solid bar, which is unlikely. There’s no such thing as welded seam 7075 aluminum tubing. 7075 aluminum is not a weldable aluminum.Maybe look at the link I sent? There is only one tube I know of, right? Look under reviews...