Just stopping in to say that i just got my new barrel to replace the one some of you may have seen my thread about.
Anyway, before installing it, I polished it. After finishing, when I went to align the barrel and magazine using one of my .254 slugs, it quickly became clear that 254 is too big for this magazine and barrel. If i tried to fire them, lead would certainly shear off of the slugs at a prodigious rate. Now I need to do some testing to figure out what diameter I need, which unfortunately means I will need to buy a reducer die from corbin which also means making slugs for the gk1 will take longer, having to size them after making them. unless of course I spend even more to just get a whole new die. Might do that just so I can make them faster, not sure yet. Was really hoping the new barrel would like 254s just like my k1 and previous gk1 barrel
All this is to say that if you see someone say 254 is the best diameter for their gk1 (which was true for my last barrel) may not be true for your barrel and magazine, they clearly changed between the time mine was made and the barrel i have now. At least, I hope they changed and it isn't just terrible tolerances in their manufacture.
Looking at the rifling, the new barrel had more rounded shaped lands, the old ones were more noticeably angled. Like ( vs [ if that makes sense, although they are both 12 lands barrels. This quite noticeable difference leads to to think that they did change how theyre made at some point rather than it being poor QC but I could be wrong