Huben Huben GK1 celebration


Dec 19, 2022
My GK1 (v1#67) just finished its 66th 150ct tin of .22 GTOs. That’s 9900 of em, costing in total more than I paid for the GK1. Since I’ve also shot at least 100 other projectiles (being conservative here), I’m calling this it’s 10000-shot celebration.

In that time, it has actually just got better, or perhaps that’s me getting better at shooting it, or both. It consistently shoots 1/2” (or less) groups at 50 yards with GTOs at 900fps and has never failed to shoot, jammed, or had any other issue. All original parts including the gate, which works very well with no seating needed for GTOs - just clicking 2 in at a time. It just gets filled and shot and shot and shot and shot, 250bar to 190 and the mag and air (nitrogen in my case) are reloaded. The barrel gets cleaned every 3 tins from the front with a rod and retractable patches - 5min job. I use it mostly for fun (spinners and targets), pesting (99% rats) and it goes hiking and Xcountry skiing in my pack. It has sported red dots, prisms, a $3k thermal and currently is fitted with a bugbuster, which I use to shoot precisely from a rice bag with short eye relief at 10X or using a freehand taco hold at 3X, which allows quite a bit of eye relief. It spent most of its life with an Impulse Air 1200 mod, then I made the shroud active, and now it is wearing @subscriber ‘s oval mod, which makes it sound like tapping a nail.


Here is my celebratory 50y, 5 shot group. I pushed out the boat and used a splatter target, which I then peeled off to show how good this thing really is. It does this all day every day, in semi auto, with a sublime trigger that tapped two into a raccoon dome 1/4 inch and 1/4 second apart.



Because there is no reg (to creep), the icing on the cake is that it will hit your point of aim every time you pick it up. It’s the perfect pesting instrument. Quiet, handy and absolutely clinical.

Ill end with a great quote from our friend Manny (@Nomadic Pirate 66) who posted this very early in the main Huben GK1 thread, before release:

“I've been searching for a PCP pistol that fits my needs for over a decade and a half now,...the Huben might well be nirvana.”

Manny seems to have a pretty good crystal ball, but did he envision that V1 issue #67 would make it to 10k shots without a single hiccup? I think that’s pretty remarkable for a semi…
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Felicidades por el post.
Yo desde que probé la mia en Noviembre, no he dejado de disparar y disfrutar de este arma, para mí, tiene todo lo que necesito he apartado las demás para disparar el GK1 cal 22, también empecé con un punto Rojo y ahora es una minicarabina. muy precisa capaz de disparar a más de 100 metros con precisión con un buen lote de Edgun 18,13 y con los slugs JSB MK2 aunque tira prácticamente bien toda la munición que le das, lejos es donde marca la diferencia estos 2 anteriores. Pronto voy a recibir otra una V3.



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Felicidades por el post.
Yo desde que probé la mia en Noviembre, no he dejado de disparar y disfrutar de este arma, para mí, tiene todo lo que necesito he apartado las demás para disparar el GK1 cal 22, también empecé con un punto Rojo y ahora es una minicarabina. muy precisa capaz de disparar a más de 100 metros con precisión con un buen lote de Edgun 18,13 y con los slugs JSB MK2 aunque tira prácticamente bien toda la munición que le das, lejos es donde marca la diferencia estos 2 anteriores. Pronto voy a recibir otra una V3.



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felicitats, Barri
Congratulations Weevil. (y) I am going out on the deck, smoke a Cohiba & having a snort or two of Glenmorangie on your behalf. I am always looking for something to celebrate.

I have not counted my tins, as I am absent-minded, but I know I shot 6000 pellets thru the .22. Getting the .25 has slowed my count down on the .22. I got to quit tootin & start shootin. I will never catch up.

I enjoy all of your updates & insights.
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Congratulations Weevil. (y) I am going out on the deck, smoke a Cohiba & having a snort or two of Glenmorangie on your behalf. I am always looking for something to celebrate.

I have not counted my tins, as I am absent-minded, but I know I shot 6000 pellets thru the .22. Getting the .25 has slowed my count down on the .22. I got to quit tootin & start shootin. I will never catch up.

I enjoy all of your updates & insights.
Enjoy! Likewise!
View attachment 437473My GK1 (v1#67) just finished its 66th 150ct tin of .22 GTOs. That’s 9900 of em, costing in total more than I paid for the GK1. Since I’ve also shot at least 100 other projectiles (being conservative here), I’m calling this it’s 10000-shot celebration.

In that time, it has actually just got better, or perhaps that’s me getting better at shooting it, or both. It consistently shoots 1/2” (or less) groups at 50 yards with GTOs at 900fps and has never failed to shoot, jammed, or had any other issue. All original parts including the gate, which works very well with no seating needed for GTOs - just clicking 2 in at a time. It just gets filled and shot and shot and shot and shot, 250bar to 190 and the mag and air (nitrogen in my case) are reloaded. The barrel gets cleaned every 3 tins from the front with a rod and retractable patches - 5min job. I use it mostly for fun (spinners and targets), pesting (99% rats) and it goes hiking and Xcountry skiing in my pack. It has sported red dots, prisms, a $3k thermal and currently is fitted with a bugbuster, which I use to shoot precisely from a rice bag with short eye relief at 10X or using a freehand taco hold at 3X, which allows quite a bit of eye relief. It spent most of its life with an Impulse Air 1200 mod, then I made the shroud active, and now it is wearing @subscriber ‘s oval mod, which makes it sound like tapping a nail.

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Here is my celebratory 50y, 5 shot group. I pushed out the boat and used a splatter target, which I then peeled off to show how good this thing really is. It does this all day every day, in semi auto, with a sublime trigger that tapped two into a raccoon dome 1/4 inch and 1/4 second apart.

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Because there is no reg (to creep), the icing on the cake is that it will hit your point of aim every time you pick it up. It’s the perfect pesting instrument. Quiet, handy and absolutely clinical.

Ill end with a great quote from our friend Manny (@Nomadic Pirate 66) who posted this very early in the main Huben GK1 thread, before release:

“I've been searching for a PCP pistol that fits my needs for over a decade and a half now,...the Huben might well be nirvana.”

Manny seems to have a pretty good crystal ball, but did he envision that V1 issue #67 would make it to 10k shots without a single hiccup? I think that’s pretty remarkable for a semi…
Amazing gun completely exceeded my dreams, ........what made me buy a Huben was the sheer amount of posts mentioning how rugged and reliable it is, and rugged and reliable is the only PCPs I wanna buy.
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The diy barrel cleaner (shown with K1):

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I am just starting to shoot my GK1 .25, due to the weather I have not had the chance to shoot as much as I would like. I have washed all of my JSB pellets and lubing them, so do you think I would really need to clean the barrel if I always clean and lube my pellets? I was thinking that by washing and lubing the pellets that cleaning the barrel might not be needed?

Also what was your reason for shooting the GTO's? is it for the lighter weight? lead free? I have been thinking of ordering some GTO .25 pellets lead free which are only 16.54 grains. I am curious on your reasons for the GTO ammo? Thus far the 25.39 grain JSB Match Diablo Exact at around 800 FPS the shot strings are pretty flat thru a full mag and then some, but I guess the lighter GTO's would go much faster and an even longer string but would love to get your thoughts on this....
I am just starting to shoot my GK1 .25, due to the weather I have not had the chance to shoot as much as I would like. I have washed all of my JSB pellets and lubing them, so do you think I would really need to clean the barrel if I always clean and lube my pellets? I was thinking that by washing and lubing the pellets that cleaning the barrel might not be needed?

Also what was your reason for shooting the GTO's? is it for the lighter weight? lead free? I have been thinking of ordering some GTO .25 pellets lead free which are only 16.54 grains. I am curious on your reasons for the GTO ammo? Thus far the 25.39 grain JSB Match Diablo Exact at around 800 FPS the shot strings are pretty flat thru a full mag and then some, but I guess the lighter GTO's would go much faster and an even longer string but would love to get your thoughts on this....
Regarding cleaning, it is very easy if you look up my method. I find that grease, which is present in copious amounts in the action (at least in mine) finds its way into the barrel, degrading accuracy. Maybe I just had a very grease-happy assembler but my back spring was literally encased in it.

GTOs. I have no issue with lead, it’s all based on performance and ease of use:

1. They are very hard. This means I can push them in to the stock gate without pressing down the plastic flange, which can bend the skirts of softer lead pellets. They require no seating and will not move from the back of mag as it rotates. This makes for very quick loading and zero jams/hiccups in 10k rounds.

2. They are very accurate. Because they sit tight and are hard, they do not get damaged by the violent act of mag rotation or shooting from the mag into the barrel. I discovered that benefit with the K1 rifle and found it was more pronounced with the GK1. They never yield flyers and shoot sub-MOA from this pistol.

3. Light weight can be beneficial, if it’s heavy enough. 16 (or less) grain lead pellets are too flimsy for this pistol and get chewed up, generating inaccuracy and wild flyers. In .22, the lightest lead pellet that I find acceptable is the (harder lead than JSB) JTS 18.1. I still see bent skirts in the mag and the target (soft duct seal) and get flyers as a result. I also find that all Hubens shoot more accurately at higher speeds, 880 and above. That’s a lot of FPE with an 18.1, but only 21fpe with the 11.75 grain GTOs. Lots of guys want big power but, for me, 21fpe is plenty. Also, the GTOs have the same BC as JSB Hades - validated at the UA range using their fancy chrony. They shoot very flat from 28-45y and are useful out to 60 or 70y. Shooting at 900fps/21fpe, I can shoot a mag with an ES of ~8 from 260bar then refill and reload. That better than many regulated guns and contributes to their crazy accuracy. Finally, lower power = less noise and less recoil/flip, the latter of which also means better accuracy. In summary, I find I can do more of what I want with less, aside from the cost!

Downsides. Cost is 3X that of regular pellets. I buy sleeves from UA and get a discount but they’re still pricey, but worth it to me. Other downside is that because they are so hard, they don’t expand. I can pick them out of duct seal and they look completely undamaged, aside from rifling marks. I could probably shoot them again and again but I don’t. If they hit metal, they flatten right out. Either way, since I shoot a lot in my yard, it makes for easy cleanup. Regarding pesting, many would be leery of their inability to expand, but in practice, I have found them to be just as effective, in terms of DRT, as Hades etc.

Well, that’s my complete GTO manifesto. Several people have at least corroborated their accuracy. I gave up preaching about them long ago, because (as I said), fellas gotta be fellas. I don’t know of anyone who has tried the 25s and it could be that the stars just don’t align in that caliber. Would love to know because I’m always close to pulling the trigger on another gK1, but trying to hold out for 177.
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I was gonna walk out the PCP thing altogether but the Huben pistol dragged me right back into it.

Next for me is the shorty .25 ( already talked to Kelly to put my name on the list )

Once I get the shorty in I will transform my current one into a Carbine with the upcoming BuckRail kit, the pair will cover all my airgunning needs.........because i love the platform so much I would even get a rifle but only if they eventually come out with an unregulated version ( the ton of data we have now on the pistol tells us the regulator isn't really needed on the rifle either )
Regarding cleaning, it is very easy if you look up my method. I find that grease, which is present in copious amounts in the action (at least in mine) finds its way into the barrel, degrading accuracy. Maybe I just had a very grease-happy assembler but my back spring was literally encased in it.

GTOs. I have no issue with lead, it’s all based on performance and ease of use:

1. They are very hard. This means I can push them in to the stock gate without pressing down the plastic flange, which can bend the skirts of softer lead pellets. They require no seating and will not move from the back of mag as it rotates. This makes for very quick loading and zero jams/hiccups in 10k rounds.

2. They are very accurate. Because they sit tight and are hard, they do not get damaged by the violent act of mag rotation or shooting from the mag into the barrel. I discovered that benefit with the K1 rifle and found it was more pronounced with the GK1. They never yield flyers and shoot sub-MOA from this pistol.

3. Light weight can be beneficial, if it’s heavy enough. 16 (or less) grain lead pellets are too flimsy for this pistol and get chewed up, generating inaccuracy and wild flyers. In .22, the lightest lead pellet that I find acceptable is the (harder lead than JSB) JTS 18.1. I still see bent skirts in the mag and the target (soft duct seal) and get flyers as a result. I also find that all Hubens shoot more accurately at higher speeds, 880 and above. That’s a lot of FPE with an 18.1, but only 21fpe with the 11.75 grain GTOs. Lots of guys want big power but, for me, 21fpe is plenty. Also, the GTOs have the same BC as JSB Hades - validated at the UA range using their fancy chrony. They shoot very flat from 28-45y and are useful out to 60 or 70y. Shooting at 900fps/21fpe, I can shoot a mag with an ES of ~8 from 260bar then refill and reload. That better than many regulated guns and contributes to their crazy accuracy. Finally, lower power = less noise and less recoil/flip, the latter of which also means better accuracy. In summary, I find I can do more of what I want with less, aside from the cost!

Downsides. Cost is 3X that of regular pellets. I buy sleeves from UA and get a discount but they’re still pricey, but worth it to me. Other downside is that because they are so hard, they don’t expand. I can pick them out of duct seal and they look completely undamaged, aside from rifling marks. I could probably shoot them again and again but I don’t. If they hit metal, they flatten right out. Either way, since I shoot a lot in my yard, it makes for easy cleanup. Regarding pesting, many would be leery of their inability to expand, but in practice, I have found them to be just as effective, in terms of DRT, as Hades etc.

Well, that’s my complete GTO manifesto. Several people have at least corroborated their accuracy. I gave up preaching about them long ago, because (as I said), fellas gotta be fellas. I don’t know of anyone who has tried the 25s and it could be that the stars just don’t align in that caliber. Would love to know because I’m always close to pulling the trigger on another gK1, but trying to hold out for 177.
Thanks for the info.
I've a .25 and just yesterday received 2 tins of GTOs for it. I think they're 16.75gr.
I'll give them a try and report back.
I've shot easily over 1500 JSB 25.39s at just over 800fps without a single hiccup. I can shoot 2 full mags from 300bar to 150bar.
@ Weevil, I tried the GTO 16 grain in my .25, and it had a lot of jams. Even the .25 JSB was jamming today. I only had a few Jsb 33 grains, and they did not jam, but I need to get some more to see if that will be my pellet. I had it set for 800 fps with Kings; those GTO was going 960. I really wanted them to work & maybe they will in another .25.
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