Huben Huben GK1 is (NOT) a good pistol

Probably the stupidest review on that thing out there... I would like to puntualize, the GK1 is definitivelly not a good pistol by any means, but it is a good AIR pistol.

Also, my Red Ribbon army mod is finished, the difference between my perfected one is that I changed the silencer system to a direct to barrel treading + discard completelly the barrel to slide compressing system. Now it has a floating barrel and I already see improvement on accuracy.
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Probably the stupidest review on that thing out there... I would like to puntualize, the GK1 is definitivelly not a good pistol by any means, but it is a good AIR pistol.

Also, my Red Ribbon army mod is finished, the difference between my perfected one is that I changed the silencer system to a direct to barrel treading + discard completelly the barrel to slide compressing system. Now it has a floating barrel and I already see improvement on accuracy.
Well that’s a waste of time
Well that’s a waste of time

It's the only video that adresses all the faults and design errors the pistol have, I know it may be hated because pretty much anyone has convinced himself that it's the best thing ever so they will not feel the pain of having expended so much money on the pistol, but reality is that... even behing a good air pistol, the damn thing is full of faults and inexcusable design and mecanical choices.
It's the only video that adresses all the faults and design errors the pistol have, I know it may be hated because pretty much anyone has convinced himself that it's the best thing ever so they will not feel the pain of having expended so much money on the pistol, but reality is that... even behing a good air pistol, the damn thing is full of faults and inexcusable design and mecanical choices.
The video was childish and filled with drivel

Probablemente la revisión más estúpida que existe sobre ese tema... Me gustaría puntualizar que la GK1 definitivamente no es una buena pistola de ninguna manera, pero es una buena pistola de aire comprimido.

Además, mi modificación del ejército Red Ribbon está terminada, la diferencia con mi versión perfeccionada es que cambié el sistema de silenciador a uno de pisada directa al cañón + descarté por completo el sistema de compresión del cañón a la corredera. Ahora tiene un cañón flotante y ya veo una mejora en la precisión.
Yo no he tenido que hacer nada, ya de serie es más precisa que la mayoría de los rifles pcp que se venden en la actualidad a 100 yardas, dicho esto compré otra segunda unidad y el siguiente paso,fue vender casi todo lo que tenia, hay más gente que no tiene ni idea que fallos la GK1.
Yo no he tenido que hacer nada, ya de serie es más precisa que la mayoría de los rifles pcp que se venden en la actualidad a 100 yardas, dicho esto compré otra segunda unidad y el siguiente paso,fue vender casi todo lo que tenia, hay más gente que no tiene ni idea que fallos la GK1.

Entonces ud. no tiene muy buena puntería como para apreciar la diferencia.

Lo siento, pero estos son los fallos que veo en esta arma, que es una buena pistola de aire sin ninguna duda (aunque su precio es injustificable), pero como pistola en sí, es mala.

Dejando de lado el delicado e inseguro diseño del sistema de disparo, su precisión NO ESTA A LA ALTURA de una pistola de precisión, nisiquiera de una 1911, 92fs o otras armas de fuego standard que agrupan mucho mejor incluso teniendo sistema basculante browning en vez de cañón fijo. Yo he tirado mucho con la Steyr M A1 que la considero una excelente hybrido entre pistola funcional y pistola de precisión por su cañón fijo, aunque no es la que elegiría para porte, y no hay comparación con la GK1.

Aquí el amigote Joerg Sprave hace una excelente comparación contra una pistola de aire de precisión de verdad:

Lo primero que me sorprendió al recibir la pistola, es que todo el mundo decía que era super precisa, y yo no lograba buenas agrupaciones. Como dije en el video-chorra, puedo poner plomillo sobre plomillo a 10 metros con la P17 china, lo cual NO puedo hacer con la GK1, y tengo comprobado que gran parte del problema es el sistema de compresión del cañón contra la corredera, cuando tiene el cañón flotante, la precisión mejora.

Mi veredicto, pistola de lateo.
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Entonces ud. no tiene muy buena puntería como para apreciar la diferencia.

Lo siento, pero estos son los fallos que veo en esta arma, que es una buena pistola de aire sin ninguna duda (aunque su precio es injustificable), pero como pistola en sí, es mala.

Dejando de lado el delicado e inseguro diseño del sistema de disparo, su precisión NO ESTA A LA ALTURA de una pistola de precisión, nisiquiera de una 1911, 92fs u otras armas de fuego estándar que agrupan mucho mejor incluso teniendo sistema basculante browning en vez de cañón fijo. Yo he tirado mucho con la Steyr M A1 que la considera un excelente híbrido entre pistola funcional y pistola de precisión por su cañón fijo, aunque no es la que elegiría para porte, y no hay comparación con la GK1.

Aquí el amigote Joerg Sprave hace una excelente comparación contra una pistola de aire de precisión de verdad:

Lo primero que me sorprendió al recibir la pistola, es que todo el mundo decía que era súper precisa, y yo no lograba buenas agrupaciones. Como dije en el video-chorra, puedo poner plomillo sobre plomillo a 10 metros con la P17 china, lo cual NO puedo hacer con la GK1, y he comprobado que gran parte del problema es el sistema de compresión del cañón contra la corredera, cuando Tiene el cañón flotante, la precisión mejora.

Mi veredicto, pistola de lateo.
Tu unidad tendría algún problema, es cierto que algunos adaptadores de moderador no sé alineaban correctamente, yo no he tenido ese problema, la mía a 30 metros hace solamente 1 agujero en no sé 8 tiros o en 10 y siempre va igual, otro amigo tiene otra y lo mismo me dice que es más preciso que todos los rifles que tiene porqué estuvo tirando a 100 y 130 metros cerrando los grupos a una moneda, yo todavía no conozco una pistola que haga eso a esa distancia y respecto al vídeo, no sé puede hacer esa prueba a la misma potencia un 177 a un 22.

Probably the stupidest review on that thing out there... I would like to puntualize, the GK1 is definitivelly not a good pistol by any means, but it is a good AIR pistol.

Also, my Red Ribbon army mod is finished, the difference between my perfected one is that I changed the silencer system to a direct to barrel treading + discard completelly the barrel to slide compressing system. Now it has a floating barrel and I already see improvement on accuracy.
Sorry want to take this post seriously, but can't make it past a few seconds of the posted video.

With regards to the trying to compare GK1 to Steyr get back to me with the data from anyone taking a Steyr out to hunt with.

To me if I'm shooting paper, in some sort of d*ck measuring contest like where everyone else is shooting 10m pistols, I could see someone trying to say that GK1 doesn't measure up.

But let's examine this..

What the GK1 does that NO other PCP pistol made to date does better than anything is provided you the power of a PCP rifle in a pistol, which to me makes it airgun of the century.

Now to those living in parts of the world where power is restricted this may not be of any interest, but for those that hunt and have to carry pounds of gear, being able to eliminate 10lbs+ is significant.

Now I have never hunted with a 10m pistol, this the need to own one just isn't there so I can't compare that desire and drive, but I may end up picking up one just to see if shooting 10m provides any real satisfaction but to me this level of satisfaction can be met and exceeded by shooting a slingshot, which I do regularly being into primitive survival skills.
This is not a knock on anyone that's into competitive shooting or at least competitive shooting disciplines, while I do enjoy watching, have never remotely been interested to the point of throwing down $$$

And to not get it twisted, I'm not remotely close to selling all of my airguns and replacing them with a couple of GK1's either, because it's not perfect and does have design limitations (not flaws) imo.

But what GK1 does best, there's nothing close to it..
The Version 1 is better than Version 3. I have both in .25. After minor adjustments, it is perfect in every way. I shoot them every day. Both shoot hole on hole at 25 meters. I regularly hold 1 groups at 25 meters off hand. I cannot shoot a 10 meter multi-thousand dollar match pistol better and it does that with much more energy. Even better, there is no POI shift session to session, like my FX rifles.
Sorry want to take this post seriously, but can't make it past a few seconds of the posted video.

With regards to the trying to compare GK1 to Steyr get back to me with the data from anyone taking a Steyr out to hunt with.

To me if I'm shooting paper, in some sort of d*ck measuring contest like where everyone else is shooting 10m pistols, I could see someone trying to say that GK1 doesn't measure up.

But let's examine this..

What the GK1 does that NO other PCP pistol made to date does better than anything is provided you the power of a PCP rifle in a pistol, which to me makes it airgun of the century.

Now to those living in parts of the world where power is restricted this may not be of any interest, but for those that hunt and have to carry pounds of gear, being able to eliminate 10lbs+ is significant.

Now I have never hunted with a 10m pistol, this the need to own one just isn't there so I can't compare that desire and drive, but I may end up picking up one just to see if shooting 10m provides any real satisfaction but to me this level of satisfaction can be met and exceeded by shooting a slingshot, which I do regularly being into primitive survival skills.
This is not a knock on anyone that's into competitive shooting or at least competitive shooting disciplines, while I do enjoy watching, have never remotely been interested to the point of throwing down $$$

And to not get it twisted, I'm not remotely close to selling all of my airguns and replacing them with a couple of GK1's either, because it's not perfect and does have design limitations (not flaws) imo.

But what GK1 does best, there's nothing close to it..

It is the best air pistol ever made if the objective is to come clone to a real pistol that's for sure, but that doesn't mean that they don't make inexcusable mistakes, they have done many things good, but they have done other terribly bad and it's necessary to point them.
The gearbox design is just scary... full pressure over very tiny chained pieces, ok, you have smooth trigger on semi-auto, but sacrificed safety and reliability on the process, the stupid thing is always at the brink of releasing 5000 PSI. The same could be atained with a little more of trigger pull and using a solid design, AND a safety that physically blocks the valve so no matter what happens or even if you trow the pistol against the wall, it is safe.

I come from a profesional background with handguns involved, where you may have to run, crouch, trow yourself to the ground etc... and the minimum I expect for a pistol, even an air one, is that the stupid thing is safe to do all those things, and the GK1 it isn't. You may say... duh... you don't do any of those thing with a air pistol... really? imagine you slip on mud or hit the gun with a tree or whatever, it is the same... and even if i's a 0,01% of accidental discharge (and I guarantee it's more than 0,01%), that may mean to kill your friend or your son, or just cut off your femoral artery. This is not a toy, for a gun that can KILL you, this level of unsafety is unacceptable, for me this is not usable for anything but plinking for fun in a very controlled space.

And no, not even for target work, I can achieve much better results with a 50 buck China clone of the p17, 50 yard hunting?... wtf... in what planet? and I'm pretty sure that the main problem is the 3 point fixation system of the barrel.

We already seen a major failure and a follow up unintended shoot in Macabespeed channel, imagine when the pieces starts to gain tolerance or wear off over time... what botters me the most, is that they know the design is unsafe, there are reports of misfires and problems with the K1 rifle, but at least with a rifle it's harder to shoot yourself or your hunting partner, but a pistol... this thing could NEVER pass a basic firearm safety test.

So... yes, great pistol, but at the same time, it's a terrible one.
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Láser a 35 metros, creo que esto no es de una mala pistola. En cada grupo hay al menos 7 disparos, el grupo de arriba es con la GK1 25.



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Láser a 35 metros, creo que esto no es de una mala pistola. En cada grupo hay al menos 7 disparos, el grupo de arriba es con la GK1 25.

View attachment 487844

View attachment 487845

View attachment 487846

Son buenas agrupaciones a 35 metros, yo ajusté la mia con mira telescopica y colimador de cañón (esas cosas que se ponen dentro del cañón para ajustar con total precisión sin tener que tirarte una mañana haciendo grupitos y toqueteando) y ni de coña mi pistola puede hacer eso.

Mi teoría es que, si tu GK1 tiene el cañón perfectamente recto y alineado, tendrás buenos grupos, pero, como esté un poco torcido, el sistema de compresión contra la corredera va a crear todo tipo de problemas como me pasa con la mia hasta que he diseñado el mod para dejarla con cañón flotante, aún tengo que hacer mas pruebas para determinar si ese es el problema.
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The Version 1 is better than Version 3. I have both in .25. After minor adjustments, it is perfect in every way. I shoot them every day. Both shoot hole on hole at 25 meters. I regularly hold 1 groups at 25 meters off hand. I cannot shoot a 10 meter multi-thousand dollar match pistol better and it does that with much more energy. Even better, there is no POI shift session to session, like my FX rifles.

Why the V1 is better than the V3? The only difference is the power adjustment valve as much as I know.
It is the best air pistol ever made if the objective is to come clone to a real pistol that's for sure, but that doesn't mean that they don't make inexcusable mistakes, they have done many things good, but they have done other terribly bad and it's necessary to point them.
The gearbox design is just scary... full pressure over very tiny chained pieces, ok, you have smooth trigger on semi-auto, but sacrificed safety and reliability on the process, the stupid thing is always at the brink of releasing 5000 PSI. The same could be atained with a little more of trigger pull and using a solid design, AND a safety that physically blocks the valve so no matter what happens or even if you trow the pistol against the wall, it is safe.

I come from a profesional background with handguns involved, where you may have to run, crouch, trow yourself to the ground etc... and the minimum I expect for a pistol, even an air one, is that the stupid thing is safe to do all those things, and the GK1 it isn't. You may say... duh... you don't do any of those thing with a air pistol... really? imagine you slip on mud or hit the gun with a tree or whatever, it is the same... and even if i's a 0,01% of accidental discharge (and I guarantee it's more than 0,01%), that may mean to kill your friend or your son, or just cut off your femoral artery. This is not a toy, for a gun that can KILL you, this level of unsafety is unacceptable, for me this is not usable for anything but plinking for fun in a very controlled space.

And no, not even for target work, I can achieve much better results with a 50 buck China clone of the p17, 50 yard hunting?... wtf... in what planet? and I'm pretty sure that the main problem is the 3 point fixation system of the barrel.

We already seen a major failure and a follow up unintended shoot in Macabespeed channel, imagine when the pieces starts to gain tolerance or wear off over time... what botters me the most, is that they know the design is unsafe, there are reports of misfires and problems with the K1 rifle, but at least with a rifle it's harder to shoot yourself or your hunting partner, but a pistol... this thing could NEVER pass a basic firearm safety test.

So... yes, great pistol, but at the same time, it's a terrible one.
I come from a professional background as well, carried 1911 locked & cocked for years, used to carrying not the best with regards to safety, lol.

Here's the thing pretty easy to carry GK1 with one less round, on safe, inside of my pack, it's not going to shoot itself.

Macspeed is a self proclaimed expert, that is all self taught. I've been to several small arms schools for gun repair and maintenance etc.
Any problems he has with his airguns are due to him trying to adjust them, ie set trigger for lighter pull, changes in hammer spring, etc..

I'll never watch anything that is associated with this clown.

Using him just like that strange first video isn't necessary, well at least to me anyway.

Lastly I don't carry ANY PCP pistol on my hip, as to not confuse muscle memory with CCW..
Son buenas agrupaciones a 35 metros, yo ajusté la mia con mira telescópica y colimador de cañón (esas cosas que se ponen dentro del cañón para ajustar con total precisión sin tener que tirarte una mañana haciendo grupitos y toqueteando) y ni de coña mi pistola puede hacer eso.

Mi teoría es que, si tu GK1 tiene el cañón perfectamente recto y alineado, tendrás buenos grupos, pero, como esté un poco torcido, el sistema de compresión contra la corredera va a crear todo tipo de problemas como me pasa con la mía hasta que he diseñado el mod para dejarla con cañón flotante, aún tengo que hacer más pruebas para determinar si ese es el problema.
Ok, espero amigo que lo puedas solucionar y disfrutar de tu GK1 ya nos vas informando.
Un saludo.
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I come from a professional background as well, carried 1911 locked & cocked for years, used to carrying not the best with regards to safety, lol.

Here's the thing pretty easy to carry GK1 with one less round, on safe, inside of my pack, it's not going to shoot itself.

Macspeed is a self proclaimed expert, that is all self taught. I've been to several small arms schools for gun repair and maintenance etc.
Any problems he has with his airguns are due to him trying to adjust them, ie set trigger for lighter pull, changes in hammer spring, etc..

I'll never watch anything that is associated with this clown.

Using him just like that strange first video isn't necessary, well at least to me anyway.

Lastly I don't carry ANY PCP pistol on my hip, as to not confuse muscle memory with CCW..

I remember my instructor bashing his gun pointed to his face to the table to demonstrate the safety, and then the hammer just hit percutor, and he say's... ok, I'm dead.
I would never carry a gun with a round chambered even with the safe on, but of course I'm from a country when guns are very restricted, I supose in America the fraction you gain to not have to retract the slide is worth it.

I like Macabespeed, never seen him as an example of expertise, just like to see the airguns stuff and the way he present them, but yeah... I see him beating and treating his airguns like war firearms, but that's also a nice take to the limits of those, his guns tends to fail pretty often on his videos. I supose he adjusted the powerwheel all the way up without shoting every quarter as the manual say, that's probably why his gun degass, yet, he is not the only example of fails with K1 platform.
Also, as I state in the video, leaving the 1rst chamber empty isn't safe either, the gun can shoot twice, or enter in a farting state, and that's another fail I've seen in a video, teoretically with not enough builded pressure to rotate cilinder and keep shooting... but I don't wanna find out.

Why do you all defend so fiercy that the gun is perfect?... it is not dammit, just look at the gearbox and tell me if you would point the GK1 to your head and bash it against a table, with safe on and a slug chambered for 1 milion dollar. I won't.
I remember my instructor bashing his gun pointed to his face to the table to demonstrate the safety, and then the hammer just hit percutor, and he say's... ok, I'm dead.
I would never carry a gun with a round chambered even with the safe on, but of course I'm from a country when guns are very restricted, I supose in America the fraction you gain to not have to retract the slide is worth it.

I like Macabespeed, never seen him as an example of expertise, just like to see the airguns stuff and the way he present them, but yeah... I see him beating and treating his airguns like war firearms, but that's also a nice take to the limits of those, his guns tends to fail pretty often on his videos. I supose he adjusted the powerwheel all the way up without shoting every quarter as the manual say, that's probably why his gun degass, yet, he is not the only example of fails with K1 platform.
Also, as I state in the video, leaving the 1rst chamber empty isn't safe either, the gun can shoot twice, or enter in a farting state, and that's another fail I've seen in a video, teoretically with not enough builded pressure to rotate cilinder and keep shooting... but I don't wanna find out.

Why do you all defend so fiercy that the gun is perfect?... it is not dammit, just look at the gearbox and tell me if you would point the GK1 to your head and bash it against a table, with safe on and a slug chambered for 1 milion dollar. I won't.
I wouldn’t point an empty toy gun at myself or anyone else for that matter.
Let alone a powder burner.
What a lame gun safety instructor to pull such a stunt. I wouldn’t put any weight in what he had to say.