Huben Huben GK1 is (NOT) a good pistol

Ahhh 😂😂😂 OK then, get back to us when you have some real data to supply.
Excuse you?

I already showed 2 critical fails of the gun in the same video and two testimonials, one of the gun dumping the air on his face, and other from this very same forum that got shooted in the foot with the K1 that uses the same exact internals, and you have been, bruhhh, Macabespeed is bad, bruhhh it's the guy's fault that the gun shooted on a minor slip cuz it has not the safe on (that barely makes a difference as it just middly dificult the tiny under constant full pressure retaining pin). You also have the Miami youtuber guy that has reported that a O-ring just blowed off and leaves the gun useless, damn, just type K1 fails and you will found a toon of videos of the platform jamming, blowing off air or doing stupid things.


Yes fanboy, who's a little fanboy?


You're a little fanboy.