Huben Huben GK1 is (NOT) a good pistol

Why do you all defend so fiercy that the gun is perfect?... it is not dammit, just look at the gearbox and tell me if you would point the GK1 to your head and bash it against a table, with safe on and a slug chambered for 1 milion dollar. I won't.
Dude - it's an airgun - it's meant for fun shooting. And yes - it is the best aigun pistol to have been put up for sale. It's not a 10m pistol nor does it try to be.

Your argument goes 100% against the 5 main rules of gun safety. IMO it is beyond irresponsible to even suggest that anyone point a gun at their own head - loaded or unloaded. IMO you should be banned for this type of conversation.
Dude - it's an airgun - it's meant for fun shooting. And yes - it is the best aigun pistol to have been put up for sale. It's not a 10m pistol nor does it try to be.

Your argument goes 100% against the 5 main rules of gun safety. IMO it is beyond irresponsible to even suggest that anyone point a gun at their own head - loaded or unloaded. IMO you should be banned for this type of conversation.
Ok fanboy.

Enjoy your unsafe, not specially precise, overpriced pistol.
Oh I am so offended. Let me go run to daddy..... hahahaha

And thank you, I will, along with all the owners on here not using cartoons to spread false fear.

Not false, even in this forum there is a report of someone that shoot himself on the foot with a K-1, that uses the exact same gearbox:

Blame on him for not having the safe on... yeah.. pretty normal than a gun can shoot itself if you slip for not having the safe. Guys... the firing mecanism is just scary as hell, and the safe barely make a difference on it, and that's from another forum:

Went to shoot the Huben and got a blast of air to the face. Thank goodness it was a hiss and not a bang, cause it went right into my cheek. Had 2 other gun dump air far more violently, that would have damaged my face if it were the same blast. Got lucky I guess. How hard is it to rebuild this, looks alot more complicated then my Marauders.

For me that alone kills it, a gun is useles if it's not safe to use. I can enjoy plinking in my backyard and nothing else.

Mark my words, someone that dares to use the damn thing in a hunt game or something else than plinking is gonna get hurt more sooner than later by this gun.
Not false, even in this forum there is a report of someone that shoot himself on the foot with a K-1, that uses the exact same gearbox:

Blame on him for not having the safe on... yeah.. pretty normal than a gun can shoot itself if you slip for not having the safe. Guys... the firing mecanism is just scary as hell, and the safe barely make a difference on it, and that's from another forum:

Went to shoot the Huben and got a blast of air to the face. Thank goodness it was a hiss and not a bang, cause it went right into my cheek. Had 2 other gun dump air far more violently, that would have damaged my face if it were the same blast. Got lucky I guess. How hard is it to rebuild this, looks alot more complicated then my Marauders.

For me that alone kills it, a gun is useles if it's not safe to use. I can enjoy plinking in my backyard and nothing else.

Mark my words, someone that dares to use the damn thing in a hunt game or something else than plinking is gonna get hurt more sooner than later by this gun.
Absolutely blame him. Basic gun safety. Don’t point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to kill.
Safety always on loaded or empty.
How many steak knives you gonna bash for cutting their user?
How many cars you going to blame for auto accidents?
Absolutely blame him. Basic gun safety. Don’t point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to kill.
Safety always on loaded or empty.
How many steak knives you gonna bash for cutting their user?
How many cars you going to blame for auto accidents?

Ok, so the gun can shoot itself at a minor accidental hit, lets put the safe on, o poop! even the manual say it can shoot anyway with the safe if you drop it or hit it, lets leave the first chamber empty then, well... there's already a video when the stupid gun shoots twice and others where the mecanism enters a farting machinegun state.

Tranks but I'm better leaving this piece of crap for casual plinking in a very safe place where I can't slip or hit it with anything. You are just defending it even knowing that the mecanism is inexcusably unsafe.

I understand you, for real, in the video I put my entusiast vision about an airgun that have gone that far for the first time on the elf chick, but at the same time I have to put the other more centered vision that, clearly see that this is an overpriced gimmick more than a reliable handgun.
I'ts imposible for anyone with a basic knowledge on mecanics and guns, to watch the gearbox design and say.. yeah... that's a perfectly safe and reliable weapon. IT IS NOT, and you can gang on with ad hominem arguments defending your super cool pistol, cuz it's super cool, but you know rationally that I'm right.
Y'all are being childish about this. The GK1 is CURRENTLY the best semi-auto PCP pistol on the market, no contest. It's powerfull as all hell for such a small package. It's tunable. It looks great. Nothing comes close currently. Nothing of this size and weight anyway.

BUT, that doesn't mean it is perfect. It has flaws. Which is a good thing in my book. It means there is room for improvement, and the competition will (hopefully) be able to trump it in the near future. That's how innovation works. Someone has to set a new standard. Huben did, now it's everyone elses' turn.

Let's not forget that prior to the GK1, the only semi-auto PCP pistols out there were the Hatsan Sortie and later the Evanix Viper. This market is only just kicking off.
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Totalmente de acuerdo, pero no creo que a cortó plazo veamos algo parecido en el mercado, al no ser que copien el sistema sin martillo a Huben, no hay sistema que pueda dar la potencia/autonomía/longitud de cañón que tiene la GK1 , para mí el resto son de otra época.

El sistema de la huben siempre me ha recordado al de la serie T4E de Umarex, pero invertido y más complejo. El sistema de muelle y martillo tradicional es muy ineficiente pero mucho más seguro. A Huben no le costaba nada diseñar un seguro que bloquease físicamente la válvula, la pistola sería mucho mejor.
Carrying a GK1 on an empty chamber isn't necessarily easy. Depending on the model you have 17 or more shots in the cylinder and nothing to indicate which chamber is the empty one. It might be worthwhile to mark two positions on the cylinder, one for the chamber which is left empty and another to index it to a set location when that chamber is in the firing position.
Carrying a GK1 on an empty chamber isn't necessarily easy. Depending on the model you have 17 or more shots in the cylinder and nothing to indicate which chamber is the empty one. It might be worthwhile to mark two positions on the cylinder, one for the chamber which is left empty and another to index it to a set location when that chamber is in the firing position.
Holy poop you have given me anoter super mod.

No 3d required, just mark with one of those white correction ink thing the 2 positions of the cilinder next to the firing chamber(that you can't see) rotate the cilinder and mark the chamber between those 2, that will be the indexed one. On refill, leave that one empty and take for reference the 2 sidemarks when manually indexing.

Yet, the pistol can shoot twice if he feels like it or enter farting machinegun state, teoretically without build up pressure to discharge, teoretically... So... No absolute safety, just a slight improvement.

I think my next mod will be a physical stopper directly attached to the slide, and with a coin inserted in diagonal, so a missfire will bounce and cut the femoral artery of the person next to you instead of yours.
Holy poop you have given me anoter super mod.

No 3d required, just mark with one of those white correction ink thing the 2 positions of the cilinder next to the firing chamber(that you can't see) rotate the cilinder and mark the chamber between those 2, that will be the indexed one. On refill, leave that one empty and take for reference the 2 sidemarks when manually indexing.

Yet, the pistol can shoot twice if he feels like it or enter farting machinegun state, teoretically without build up pressure to discharge, teoretically... So... No absolute safety, just a slight improvement.

I think my next mod will be a physical stopper directly attached to the slide, and with a coin inserted in diagonal, so a missfire will bounce and cut the femoral artery of the person next to you instead of yours.

Airguns aren't toys, especially high powered PCP airguns.
I'd be willing to bet probably 99.9% of any existing GK1 failures / misfire are all due to inexperienced people trying to adjust the trigger.

In all these threads about the GK1 I have read through, exactly 1 individual posted having received their GK1 set via conversation with Kelly.
Everyone else posts content about how they adjusted the trigger and set it to their liking, there's videos on how to do it, yet some tend to leave adjusting triggers to trained professionals.
As many shots as I have shot, nothing remotely close to a double feed, or anything else.. But then again I'm not into rapid fire seeing just how fast I can shoot it either.

So instead of being so cynical, as you do have some valid points, you would be better received by stressing gun safety versus the sky is falling click bait type postings, but hey, you do you.

Anytime I have had any type of mistake and had anything close to a accidental discharge with anything that can propel a projectile, it was 100% all my fault.
And you know why I didn't injury myself or anyone else? It was by making sure that I was handling them correctly and responsibly, and treating them with the upmost respect and never becoming complacent and many people still don't do this.
Airguns aren't toys, especially high powered PCP airguns.
I'd be willing to bet probably 99.9% of any existing GK1 failures / misfire are all due to inexperienced people trying to adjust the trigger.

In all these threads about the GK1 I have read through, exactly 1 individual posted having received their GK1 set via conversation with Kelly.
Everyone else posts content about how they adjusted the trigger and set it to their liking, there's videos on how to do it, yet some tend to leave adjusting triggers to trained professionals.
As many shots as I have shot, nothing remotely close to a double feed, or anything else.. But then again I'm not into rapid fire seeing just how fast I can shoot it either.

So instead of being so cynical, as you do have some valid points, you would be better received by stressing gun safety versus the sky is falling click bait type postings, but hey, you do you.

Anytime I have had any type of mistake and had anything close to a accidental discharge with anything that can propel a projectile, it was 100% all my fault.
And you know why I didn't injury myself or anyone else? It was by making sure that I was handling them correctly and responsibly, and treating them with the upmost respect and never becoming complacent and many people still don't do this.
I think that 99.9% is probably overstating it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is 90+%. I know from experience that semi-automatic triggers cannot always be safely set as light as on a bolt action. Even with break barrels and bolt actions though, when you lighten the trigger up to a few ounces you can easily end up with an unsafe trigger. At one point I had the trigger on my HW95 set to where it would occasionally go off if the safety was switched off with the rifle pointing upwards. I also once had a .22 WMR that someone had altered the trigger on. It was extremely light, but if it was loaded and you slapped the stock hard with the palm of your hand it would fire. I've always made it a habit since then to slap around any new rifle and slam the buttstock on the ground a few times to see if it will fire.
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Funny thing is the OP didn't have anything to say about the LCS SK19 , nor any of the Western Airguns both of which are a flagrant copy of the Huben
I don't even know those exist... but if they didn't improve the safety, they are unusable poop as well for me.

Maybe he had an axe to grind with Huben...? 🤔

(That axe must be pretty sharp by now....)

Not really, I got super exited with the pistol and promised features, and they delivered... I could excuse the meh accuracy, the waste of space of the handle and tip and many other things, but when I take a moment to see the inner works and lack of safety it was so boner killer for me. I knew right away that I could NEVER use this gun for anything else than very controlled plinking.

Some people don't care that much for those things, I do, if a thing that can KILL me, is not 100% safe and reliable, I don't want that thing near me, and what botters me the most is that, they had plenty of time to just add a stupid solid piece that blocks the valve, but no... the lazy bastards don't even care after the reports of misfires and problems of the K-1. Any of you, seriously can take a look at the gearbox and say... yeah.. totally fine? the thing is scary has hell dammit, if you have a hamerless, constantly under pressure system with tiny chained reaction pieces, put a damn safe that obstructs the ****ing valve!

That's why I love/hate the GK-1
I personally would rate the accuracy of the GK1 as being pretty good so far. I've yet to scope it and shoot it off a rest at 50 yards, but my Huben K1 shoots pretty close to 1 MOA at that range. Not every group that it shoots at 50 yards is sub MOA, but about half of them are and those that aren't are still pretty close to it. So far the accuracy I'm getting from the GK1 seems to be mostly limited by my abilities with iron sights and it's easily more accurate than a P17. I imagine that due to it being unregulated it will be harder to get the same kind of consistency out of it as one would get out of a regulated gun, but that's mostly just a matter of plotting it's power curve and only shooting a limited number of shot at carefully controlled pressures. I don't really plan on doing that though. It's a pistol and if I can get it to shoot 2 MOA that will be more than adequate.
I better sell mine right away. What can I replace it with? How about the 3D printed “poor man’s Huben” from Mr SafetyConcious OP himself? I mean, what could go wrong there?