Huben Huben GK1 Target Groups (photo thread)

good shooting. what distance was that at?
@saltshooter 34 meters. If you're trying to fudge your way into the "classifieds" forum, please don't use my threads to do so.

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After consulting with @Nomadic Pirate 66 I can at least see that my GK1 groups well enough with heavy and light pellets. Once I figured out why I was getting lateral movement in my turret rest, these groups look a lot better. I shot from 250 bar to around 140-150 bar after shooting one mag of King Heavy 33.95 grain pellets. Here’s how they grouped from 25 yards.


JSB King 25.39 grain Diabolo pellets. These shot extremely low considering where my POA was. I need to learn to adjust these stock sights.

This looks a lot better than my previous offhand attempts. So know I know my issues are errors on my part.

Here’s how I was set up.

I’d also like to thank @AirNGasman for his advice.

I’ll probably shoot an offhand group before packing it in.
This is the best I could see that “grouped” from my offhand shot string yesterday evening. I was getting calls as I was shooting and it turned out to be an emergency. I didn’t have time to look at the group until today.

Below is a photo of the targets I shot at yesterday. As I stated before, I need to sight in this GK1 and I need work on my shooting technique.
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After adjusting the rear sight for windage and elevation, my best “group” was 6 shots out of the 17 that hit within the largest target ring. I was shooting offhand standing up from 20 yards using the stock open sights.

View attachment 483821
I know it’s not great, but after looking at the above photo thankfully I can see some improvement. But then again I was shooting somewhere between 10-12 yards offhand with iron sights on the target below. It ain’t pretty, but it’s better.
I don't wish to be rude, but that target indicates you need pistol shooting instruction and lots of practice. I have two GK1s, a Version 1 and a Version 3. They are my most accurate and consistent air guns. I easily hold 1" groups at 25 meters for a whole magazine (17 rounds) with both. I cannot shoot a professional 10 meter target pistol better. The GK1s are that good. Even better, they do it session after session in all weather conditions. I have confidence that when I miss, it was me, not the gun. To do that requires daily practice and many years of experience. Even if you once held that level of accuracy, without continuous practice, that skill level quickly perishes.
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I don't wish to be rude, but that target indicates you need pistol shooting instruction and lots of practice. I have two GK1s, a Version 1 and a Version 3. They are my most accurate and consistent air guns. I easily hold 1" groups at 25 meters for a whole magazine (17 rounds) with both. I cannot shoot a professional 10 meter target pistol better. The GK1s are that good. Even better, they do it session after session in all weather conditions. I have confidence that when I miss, it was me, not the gun. To do that requires daily practice and many years of experience. Even if you once held that level of accuracy, without continuous practice, that skill level quickly perishes.
@Steve-I You're not being rude, you are correct. I do need instruction and I have stated this. One of the reasons I started this thread is to see other people's groups. Mine certainly don't represent this gun's capabilities and I know I don't shoot pistols well at all. Because few people posted, I posted my own embarrassing groups. What do I really have to lose here? I can only get better.
Shooting any pistol at rifle distances makes no sense. It defeats the purpose of a pistol. Even if the pistol is accurate at say 100 meters, you will not be.. I have dropped pigeons at that distance with both my GK1's and my PP700SA, but it is luck. The advantage a pistol has is rapid target acquisition at close distances.

@Steve-I You sound like an above average pistol shooter and I just realized you haven’t posted any groups, but have been following and commenting in this thread. Please post some of your target groups shot with your GK1. That’s what’s lacking in this thread. More photos from people who are excellent pistol shooters.
@Steve-I You sound like an above average pistol shooter and I just realized you haven’t posted any groups, but have been following and commenting in this thread. Please post some of your target groups shot with your GK1. That’s what’s lacking in this thread. More photos from people who are excellent pistol shooters.
The reason I have not posted groups is because I do not want to brag first and to be honest I suspect those posted are very likely to be selected results from many cards. It is also common that those posted results do not always stipulate the target size and or the distance they were shot at.
Yes, I am an above average shooter, but I have also earned that skill set. I have been shooting hand guns for for over 60 years. I have shot in International competitions like practical pistol. police pistol, UK long range events, metallic silhouette, antique pistol and rapid fire competitions. Perhaps even others that I cannot recall at the moment. I typically shot in excess of 10,000 rounds a year in most pistol calibers. i obviously also reloaded my own ammunition . I am now retired and no longer can afford to shoot PBs in that volume. However, I still shoot PCP in excess of 10K pellets a year. I shoot every day at least one or two magazines. I use a lot of HPA. So I have a Bauer 4 cylinder compressor, 3 12 liter bottles and a bunch of other stuff that goes along with the hobby. I use generally the standard 10 meter, 14CM, rifle square targets with 5, 1 inch bullseyes on each card and I shoot for practice at a 25 meter range in my back yard with 500 meters of empty field behind (no back stop & no target noise). I'm also a decent machinist and have my own machine shop at my house, so I also design and make my own silencers.

I have also had the privilege's to shoot with many different militaries and police organizations world-wide with folks that carry fire arms for a living. In doing so, I can clearly state that very few can really shoot a handgun well. I find that fact very disturbing, but also understandable. I know how much practice it takes to really shoot a hand gun well. Most folks are not willing to do that for a whole multitude of different reasons..

I turned 80 years old last month. I can still shoot tight groups with open sights, but at my age I don't always know where those groups will be. So on all my pistols today, I use quality reflex sights. They are infinitely better in all respects over open iron sights and I no longer have to use. my reading glasses to see the front sight. The attached targets were shot by me this morning using my .25 cal. Version 1 GK1 at 25 meters. Each target represents one magazine, 3 rounds on the peripheral bulls eyes and 5 in the center one. The gun is set for 720 fps at 300 bar. After one mag the gun pressure is 210 bar. I recharge the gun after each mag.
03 September 2024.JPG
@steve-l Thank you for the photo and some details on your experience. You appear to be someone I could benefit from communicating with. If you don’t mind I’d like to ask you some questions via PM. And with your experience I’m open to criticism.
You are welcome too ask of course, I hope I can help you. I never criticize, I know how difficult this is.
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I get 1 inch at 50m with the .25 GK1, with 6 baffles of Impulse Air IA 1200. It widens to 2-3 inches at 50m with my other moderators - the Huggett Standard and some Weihrauchs. This is with 25grain JSBs set at 870 fps.

It might be possible to do 0.5 inches at 50m with a better bypod attachment, the ones that are on the trigger guard like mine move too much because the trigger guard itself is not very well attached to the receiver; it needs to straddle the air tank and to actually attach on the 11mm rail on top.