Huben Huben GK1 Target Groups (photo thread)

I get 1 inch at 50m with the .25 GK1, with 6 baffles of Impulse Air IA 1200. It widens to 2-3 inches at 50m with my other moderators - the Huggett Standard and some Weihrauchs. This is with 25grain JSBs set at 870 fps.

It might be possible to do 0.5 inches at 50m with a better bypod attachment, the ones that are on the trigger guard like mine move too much because the trigger guard itself is not very well attached to the receiver; it needs to straddle the air tank and to actually attach on the 11mm rail on top.
@JDGriz This is a photo thread. Can you post some photos of your targets?
I shot this when I first got my GK1. This is at 10 yards off-hand with the factory iron sights shooting JSB 18gr at 637 fps average. I need more practice as well and it doesn't help that my eyes have gone bad over the years. I was using my reading glasses to focus on the front sight. Getting old sucks!!!



I then shot a group at 25 yards off-hand with iron sights.
@B low that's not how this site works. Please abide by the rules. If you chose not to, please don't violate the AGN site rules in a thread that I started thread. The following link contains the AGN rules regarding buying and selling airguns and related items.
Okay I just became a member yesterday trying to figure how to buy my first pcp! So we aren't allowed to buy except by pm?
Okay I just became a member yesterday trying to figure how to buy my first pcp! So we aren't allowed to buy except by pm?
@B low The link I sent you contains the answers to your questions. It's a great guide and may save you some headaches later. The way you are starting out here makes you vulnerable to predators. Give it a read and have patience. If you still have questions I'll do what I can to help.
@B low No worries. Stick around, have a little patience, and take some time to get to know some members. If you haven't created a "I'm new here" post or thread in the "General Discussion" forum, this would be a good time to introduce yourself. Then you'll probably find a few topics that interest you or you may have questions after doing more reading within the forums. I'm usually around here somewhere. If I like you and I can help, I usually will try. Welcome to AGN.
@B low No worries. Stick around, have a little patience, and take some time to get to know some members. If you haven't created a "I'm new here" post or thread in the "General Discussion" forum, this would be a good time to introduce yourself. Then you'll probably find a few topics that interest you or you may have questions after doing more reading within the forums. I'm usually around here somewhere. If I like you and I can help, I usually will try. Welcome to AGN.
Hey! Okay and thanks for all the tips! Guess you are my first friend on here. That is, if you like me 😂
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