Hi, I've tried to order them, I email them long time ago, they told me that they couldn't send them over to Chile at that time, maybe Petrovivs can test them for get them since he is from Brasil, let's hope he reads this and test them for us so he can report on the findings."Fl_Hunter"Has anyone tried these pellets? Cheik Chumbo Pesado JC 32 30.8 gr (JC 32 + K 1) on youtube
What Huben do you have, version 1 or 2 ?"hcl"30m it is a joke - i shoot minimum 50-100m to test accuracy for pellet gun.
I shoot huben at 50m cast bullet from mold that gregor made 2.35g and it was about 12mm ctc for 19 pellets.
jsb beast shoot little less acuracy about 18mm ctc for 1 magazin at 50m.
Petrivivs as all the others said already, that's terrible groups for that distance"petrovivs"I already tested a can (100 units) of this lead JC 32, however the result in my k1 was not satisfactory in shots made at 30 meters he used to open a little the grouping. This lead is more for hunting than accuracy. At the moment the best precision leads are H & N barracuda firing at around 305 m / s, JSB Ultrashock at 295 m / s, JSB Beast at 280 m / s. Premium Round Rifle and Rifle Field Destroyer above 300 m / s. I'm looking forward to the redesigned monster that we do not yet have available here for testing, as well as the Hubens and NSA slugs.
That's great !!!"hcl"Next week i will make my own swaged bullet for huben. I make my own hydraulic press an i think that i will make g7 bottom tail bullet about 2g for high speed and great BC.
After test i will show the result-s ;P
p.s. i have V2 version
Hi again, how's the mod and slugs doing for the Huben, do you have something new to report?,"hcl"if the thread is to withstand pressure gains, there is no possibility of air transfer between the front and rear tubes: / but the loss of cm3 is minimal compared to the fi38mm wider tube:]
I will add *.stl file this monday
p.s. you can cut holes to transfer air back but if you shoot with reg 170-200 bar hmm better don't shoot whole silencer with pellet ;P
OHHH, ok no worries, thanks for the update."hcl"Hello - i just make 3d model and print it.
Now i test v2 mod silecer because first one go with pellet when i hard test it shooting 10 mags with 170bar reg - speed shooting :/.
so i test v2 and when new mod pass test i will add .stl files.