Huben/LCS - pellet seating ideas

i've been extra careful of making sure i seat my pellets in my huben to avoid jams. in order to make this easier, i cut up a pellet pen, and stuck a small amount of velcro on the probe, and stock, so i always have something close to seat the pellets with.

does anyone have a more elegant solution than this? this definitely works, but i can see the velcro wearing out over time, or me dropping the probe at some point while in a rush out in the field.

picture1: how it sits on the gun while shooting

picture2: usage

picture3: showing the velcro


i started to cut up some pens, to see if i could make a way to permanently attach a portion of a push pen, so i could just push it in, and the spring pulls it back so i can load the next pellet.

was hoping someone with better problem solving skills had come up with a solution like that. so its jsut load, push to seat, 

if i got bored enough i may attempt hacking up a 1377 breech/bolt to accomplish this.
yo - when i look at ft rifles, all i see is some future space gun lol. not sure whats going on there

crosman - 3d printing would probably product the cleanest smallest tool. although there would need to be a version for 2 pellets, as the huben can only load 2 at a time.

legionair - i'll probably play with some double sided tape ideas until i settle on something. good suggestion! i wouldn't hold your breath though... my handy skills are a WIP
A 4 pellet or even 2 pellet seating tool wouldn’t work with the huben unless you removed the single loading gate(I bought mine in 2018 so I don’t know if the newer ones have the same loading gate). If you remove the loading gate you risk pellets falling out. I know even with JSB 33.99(.25) some pellets will become loose after seating. You would need to install a swing loading gate like on the LCS. 
The 2016 and 2018 Hubens can load two at a time. I quit seating my pellets and haven't had any issues. But I have seen them get jammed up usually when the power adjuster is out to far for the reg setting.

One thing i thought of that may have helped mine is that I lightly chamfer and polish the back side of each mag hole. It eliminated the sharp corner and lead shaving too. Both my 2018s are as accurate as can be with no need to seat pellets.

With my .22 I could load two pellets at a time, but with the .25 (2020 version) and larger holes in the magazine, only one will load at a time. 

I haven't had any jamming issues when not seating the pellets/slugs. I just do it now because it's optimal. With the bigger slugs it's not necessary as the head of the slug is already almost poking out of the other end of the magazine. 

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I own 2 Hubens 2018 models. One is setup to shoot Jsb 18gr., which I can load 2 at a time, and not seat them. I do push them in as far as I can with my thumb. The other Huben I shoot Jsb 25gr. Redesign and do seat them with an Allen wrench or roll pin punch. I can also load 2 at a time.

I also own a Sk-19 which I shoot Jsb 18gr. I load 4 at a time and do not seat them. It is more accurate between the 3 rifles. The magazine has a tighter pellet fit. 
well this solution only allows me to load one pellet at a time but i will be able to seat it after i turn the mag to load the next one. i think this will be easier overall, instead of grabbing something out of my pocket to seat each time.

cut up one of these, and found a matching sized spring:
