Here is an other spin off thread for the Huben pistol where members can share what ammo they have found works good,....... or bad in their hand cannon.
How does it do? I’m really on the fence of doing that with the 25 rifle because I just can’t find anything lighter than the 34g that shoot well. Always one or two fliers in a mag. It’s relegated to slug gun status with a night optic, which means that I rarely use it.My .250 mag is paired with a TJ liner
Nosotros probamos los Zan de 33 grain 253, encajan bien en el cargador y los JSB MK2 slugs también funcionan bien en el cargador, aunque creo que las GK1 son pistolas de Diábolos.Hoy compré 2 paquetes de balas Zan .253 de 38 g. Estos se quedan en la revista. Pero queda bastante ajustado. ¿Alguien sabe si esto está bien para un arma como esta? ¿Se acumulará demasiada presión para empujar el proyectil desde el cargador hacia el cañón? Solo asegurándome de no volar la válvula ni nada por el estilo, jaja
I've just got my GK1 .22 and tried the JSB Jumbo Monster Redesigned 5.52mm 25.39 grain as recommended by the local shop.
I seated the pellets with a pencil, so they 'clicked' into the mag. I rotated the mag after loading all the pellets. I also held the GK1 pointed upwards and shook it a bit: all the pellets remained in place.
First 15 shots went well (900 to 890 fps) but on the 16th shot it blasted all the air out (50bar remaining, started with 270bar). There was no sign of a jam: I could rotate the mag freely. The remaining pellets all looked OK and there was no sign of lead shavings. After a re-fill the 3 remaining (loose) pellets fired without issues.
I did notice the remaining pellets were able to move inside the mag: shaking the pistol would make them shift back and forth inside the mag.. I guess they 'unseated' during shooting?
For my info: was this a 'jam' or was this something else? (As I would expect a jam would mean I wouldn't be able to rotate the mag afterwards until the jam has been cleared.)
And when talking about 'snug fitting' ammo: they should remain seated, right? Unable to move even after shooting some rounds?
I've some more love to try, I guess I should try something bigger than 5.52![]()
Buenas tardes.Acabo de comprar mi GK1 .22 y probé el JSB Jumbo Monster Rediseñado 5,52 mm 25,39 grano recomendado por la tienda local.
Coloqué los perdigones con un lápiz, para que hicieran clic en el cargador. Giré el cargador después de cargar todos los perdigones. También sostuve el GK1 apuntando hacia arriba y lo sacudí un poco: todos los perdigones permanecieron en su lugar.
Los primeros 15 disparos salieron bien (de 900 a 890 fps), pero en el disparo 16 expulsó todo el aire (quedaban 50 bares, comenzó con 270 bares). No había señales de atasco: podía girar el cargador libremente. Todos los perdigones restantes parecían estar bien y no había señales de virutas de plomo. Después de volver a llenar, los 3 perdigones restantes (sueltos) se dispararon sin problemas.
Me di cuenta de que los perdigones restantes podían moverse dentro del cargador: agitar la pistola los haría moverse hacia adelante y hacia atrás dentro del cargador. ¿Supongo que se "desplazaron" durante el disparo?
Para mi información: ¿fue esto un 'ataque' o fue algo más? (Como era de esperar, un atasco significaría que no podría girar el cargador después hasta que se haya solucionado el atasco).
Y cuando se habla de munición "que ajusta bien": deberían permanecer sentados, ¿verdad? ¿No puedes moverte incluso después de disparar algunas rondas?
Tengo más munición para probar, supongo que debería probar algo más grande que 5,52.![]()
Buenas tardes.
Intenta disparar JTS son de lo mejor para la GK1 en precisión y entra muy ajustados para que no se atasque y vigile la presión, si disparas con potencia no debe de bajar la presión por debajo de 130 bares.
Sigue estás recomendaciones y disfrutarás mucho de tu GK1.
PCPFanNL I think you're correct that we *should* be able to go down to 120-130 bar with no GK1 .22 issues.
I stop at the 145-150 bar mark, as that's where one full mag leaves me from a 250 bar fill. Since I'm usually shooting in the 30-35 FPE range (1.5 turns out), I'll never get two full mags before needing air. So, I might as well just shoot one mag, reload, air up, and shoot again., and never worry about fill pressure.
Si JTS Dead Center, 18, 21,53,22,07 etc.¡Gracias, anotado!
¿Te refieres a los perdigones 'JTS Dead Center'? ¿Y qué grano recomendarías?
Sí, eso suena bien, ¡gracias!
Anecdotes or actual evidence of them shooting accurately? Moreover, why not just use the correct size? I mean, you wouldn’t do this with a pair of shoes, right? I hope.Supposedly people are doing well with 44gr H&N heavy slugs,even though they are only .250…I’ll find out tommorow when my Gk-1 arrives and report
I guess a little of both..I watched a “youtuber” shoot them and one of the dealers (ares) recommends them on their website GK gets here tomorrow and i’ll run a mag of them and let you know.My main choices are AVS 40/44gr flat in .254 and the NSA .254’sAnecdotes or actual evidence of them shooting accurately? Moreover, why not just use the correct size? I mean, you wouldn’t do this with a pair of shoes, right? I hope.
If I’m thinking of the same YouTuber, he normally makes a point to demonstrate accuracy and I noticed that in this case, it was (conspicuously) absent. I can’t remember his YT channel name. Anyway, these experiments have already been conducted with the rifle ad infinitum which has the same barrel dimensions. There’s no need to repeat failed experiments, but if you insist, you should be aware that undersized slugs can be diabolically inaccurate, as was observed with the K1.I guess a little of both..I watched a “youtuber” shoot them and one of the dealers (ares) recommends them on their website GK gets here tomorrow and i’ll run a mag of them and let you know.My main choices are AVS 40/44gr flat in .254 and the NSA .254’s