I think Gregory mentioned not going below 100 bar, so that’s what I’m guided by :)

The JTS 20.73 fit snug, I seat them, and they ‘click’ into place.

I’ll have a try tomorrow with other (heavier) pellets to check. Would be weird if the pellets are causing this right?

This is the first time I notice this FPS changing. I haven’t shot the GK1 for a while, but that shouldn’t be the issues either I guess..

Very curious about this :D
@PCPFanNL I don't shoot down beyond 12-13mpa in .25 caliber. Have you tried not shooting down so low in pressure? 10 mpa is low to me. I'm not saying this is the solution to your problem, but I think it's worth a shot to see if it will make a difference.
¿Alguien sabe qué está pasando aquí?
GK1 (v1) .22. Dispara JTS de 20,73 granos. La precisión es buena (por ahora, la estoy probando a 30 m), pero la curva de velocidad (hacia arriba y hacia abajo) es un poco extraña.

Hace un tiempo, las secuencias de disparos eran constantes y con menos fluctuaciones.:inseguro:

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Intenta ponerla entre 750 y 800 pies pero a 300 bar y vuelve a probar con crony, si es una V3 asegúrate de tener bien apretada la pieza del guardamonte donde va el tornillo de potencia, si no se soluciona hay que revisar los muelles de las válvulas. .
No. I don’t have a need for suppression. Therefore, no reason to make a PISTOL any longer than need be.

I suppose I struck a nerve there with that statement. Wasn’t my intention for sure. Just an observation really. For a PISTOL, it’s already pretty long. I have no reason to make it longer.

Hi, Dave. We live at 2,450 ASL on the side of Davis Mountain in Western NC - just outside Hendersonville. We're surrounded by dense forest with the nearest neighbors cloaked by trees at 100 yards above and 150 below us. But my GK-1 unsilenced BARKS so loud, they'd think I was shooting a .22 Winmag pistol. With Huben's OEM silencer (very short and light) on it, it's a "Pfffft!" and will not disturb anyone near or far. Not arguing, just me tuppence.

MACHPELAH - Buchannan's & Kilpatrick's GOOGLE MAPS.jpg
Hi, Dave. FYI. No nerve touched, no offense intended, but, many of us that near live near to, and want to respect others, are not able to fire our HK-1s w/o some form of suppression. And, when all that lovely foilage around our property goes grey and bare of leaves, I'll need the can on even more.
Blessings, Johnny - LongJnSilver
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Anybody know what’s going on here?
GK1 (v1) .22. Shooting JTS 20.73 grain. Accuracy is good (testing at 30m for now). But the speed curve (up and down) is kinda weird.

A while back the shot strings where steady with less fluctuation :unsure:

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Your mileage may vary but they don't like being shot below 100-110 bar, also if you want to tighten that spread you'll want to increase the velocity to at least 800fps and work your way up.
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