It's funny seing all the attempts of copying my loading gate. I don't really mind that but using pictures from my original video or homepage without permission is not cool.

I came up with the idea over a year ago after trying an LCS SK19 and the gate has been in continous development and seen several improvements since. And I'm actually proud of what I offer in terms of quality and design.

Rant aside, judging by the intel I have gathered so far, I believe it will fit the GK1 just fine. I will add more info to my homepage as soon as I receive the pistol.

Mr. Ricochette, I'm the individual that posted website links and images of your loading gate. My objective in doing so was three fold. One, to ascertain from the community, if such a gate would in fact install on a GK1. Second, to inform members of this forum of what loading gate options were available, and thirdly, to hopefully bring additional exposure to your products so that it may benefit your sales of said item. It was not my aim to offend you in anyway. For that, I apologize.

Conversely however, if I may be a little supercilious toward your disapproval of my positing publicly accessible images / videos for the world to freely see. It seems my crime of doing so superseded those that apparently stole your idea or design. Which I would think has the potential to cause you more harm, as juxtaposed to simply sharing images and links to your products. IMHO, that's quite a benighted stance to take.

Nonetheless, I have removed the images and all references to your loading gate on the offending post, and hope that will possibly appease your disdain in any of my good faith intentions. Best of success to you sir...
Thank you for your input Mr. Artillery. As far as I can tell, you weren't actually offering anything for sale. So I wasn't referring to you or anyone else simply spreading the Information or discussing the matter. I apologize for the misunderstanding and my lousy attemp at sharing my thoughts. I will try my best at expressing my self more clearly next time.
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Thank you for your input Mr. Artillery. As far as I can tell, you weren't actually offering anything for sale. So I wasn't referring to you or anyone else simply spreading the Information or discussing the matter. I apologize for the misunderstanding and my lousy attemp at sharing my thoughts. I will try my best at expressing my self more clearly next time.
I'm interested in buying one of your textured gates for a .25 cal, I looked on your website but there's no links to buy that I could find, so I'm guessing I need to contact you.
Spoke to them today and they said this week for sure,

However my dream is over, .......gave my spot to a Member here at AGN 😭
Sorry to hear that but I'm pretty sure this pistol's going to be real popular and they're going to keep selling it, once you sell some things and get your funds right, you can always get one then. And the good part about waiting is you'll probably be able to find a good deal on someone selling theirs when they need some extra cash.
The glory days for pcp's were pre-covid imo, covid period was decent too, but markets kind of over-saturating and numbing people in my opinion, want something better, wait a few months or year. Where as before, you bought the best it lasted at least 3-5 years, maybe more! Lol, always something new being shoved down your throat at great expense, just spent 1,500$ last week on the Cowboy, well next week spend another 1,500$ on the Leaporda, and while you're at it next MONTH we even have something more special you can spend another 1,900$ on! It's called the Over-hyped! Oh and accessorize all 3 with this...and that...

@Nomadic Pirate 66 Once the thrill wears down some you’ll be back to airguns. I kinda know how you feel about your e-bikes. I have an electric longboard that can hit 30 mph and has drop through trucks that carve like a dream. I also have off road trucks to hit the trails. Can’t beat the raw power of an electric motor!
Well actually my bikes are for commuting, yes i might take them once in awhile offroad to do some scouting and stuff but 95% is commuting, I turn them into Dual sports rather then full dirt bikes....I'm loving electric bikes, had my Surron for a year now and just about to buy a Storm bee ......and that is very inline since my favorite gun is the RainSTORM and the board I've been surving for the past decade is the WaveSTORM, now the Sur-ron Storm bee is going to be my next bike :ROFLMAO:

Here is a picture of my highly customized Sur-ron

Very nice bike. At its' price, you would be able to get about 7 GK1's! Here's the bike I would love to get: Silenthawk hybrid, notice the faux M4 on the back rack. A nice Huben K1 or whatever pcp would look good there...

View attachment 375036
I like the looks of that bike, very rugged,...electric ? never heard of it