Yep, that's my expectation too, unfortunately I didn't realize until after I placed the order that the .250s are too small for Hubens, that's when I placed another order for the 38.5gr .254s.

I'm also considering some MrHollowPoint 43gr .253s to order/test eventually. Those are super expensive, so they'll have to be really accurate and perform really well on the ballistic gel for me to buy a decent number of those. I'm coming at it from a self-defense perspective, so I'm interested in accuracy, energy, ballistic gel performance, and reliability of cycling. It will be interesting to see how long it is before someone has a machinist cut back and rethread the barrel and reservoir on one of these to make them better for concealed carry, I'm hoping someone else does it relatively quickly, so I don't end up making myself the guinea pig lol. I think the shroud/front post of the iron sight should be easy enough to model and 3D print a shorter replacement for. I'm of the philosophy that is better to use something lower powered for self-defense that you can train regularly with than something that makes a big bang and you hardly ever get to train with. A quarter turn pocket suppressor would also be nice to help prevent the deaf post encounter standard, assuming a situation in which you actually have the time to equip it.