What material was used for the lever? Brass? Sounds like it's way too brittle for a pistol in this price range. You wouldn't see a titanium lever snapping off like that.
No, not brass, not sure what kind of metal. It is small, then it has a hole for the pin, with makes it even weaker. If you are careful with it, you probably won't have a problem. By now I would guess most owners are aware of the weakness. It is simple to replace, and the lever is like 5 bucks. But as you say for the price it should be stronger.
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I have the .22 and was struggling with flyers with JSB pellets, even when seated. I tried some 30gr VK slugs in .223 the other day - they fit the mag AND shot great. It seems like maybe the mags are back to .222 and not .218 like the K1 mags are now.

Shooting this thing just got expensive!

Kelly also has some 39gr .22 slugs he is trying, plan to pick some up this week some time.
Did you already shot some more with the H&N 40 grainers?
Briefly, I got 3 mags worth the following day.
I haven't played with power settings yet as I'm still trying to find the right ammo.
These shoot great and no jams however if im not careful, even with these 40grain H&N if I tilt barrel down while reloading one of these will still try to wiggle into the barrel as I rotate the mag causing me to lose loading gate, open lock for loading gate, wiggle mag and tolt barrel up and it clears fast then back to loading.
It seems these are still a bit u der sized.
I have AVS .253 slugs on the way as well as some from overseas that someone recommended.
I have been seating my rounds in the mag however I'm not getting an audible click like some users mentioned so im not sure if its a caliber issue or a mag retention issue.
For right now im assuming its user error.
Briefly, I got 3 mags worth the following day.
I haven't played with power settings yet as I'm still trying to find the right ammo.
These shoot great and no jams however if im not careful, even with these 40grain H&N if I tilt barrel down while reloading one of these will still try to wiggle into the barrel as I rotate the mag causing me to lose loading gate, open lock for loading gate, wiggle mag and tolt barrel up and it clears fast then back to loading.
It seems these are still a bit u der sized.
I have AVS .253 slugs on the way as well as some from overseas that someone recommended.
I have been seating my rounds in the mag however I'm not getting an audible click like some users mentioned so im not sure if its a caliber issue or a mag retention issue.
For right now im assuming its user error.
I wonder why “shooting gear reviews” didn’t highlight those problems? I also notice that their target was around 10 yards. Could it be that undersized slugs also don’t engage the rifling to achieve necessary spin stabilization to shoot accurately? Perhaps if I can get a YT channel, I can overcome those pesky physics issues.
These shoot great and no jams however if im not careful, even with these 40grain H&N if I tilt barrel down while reloading one of these will still try to wiggle into the barrel

Yes, that's the consequence of using undersized slugs, but once the magazine is filled, it should not be an issue.
Just point the barrel up slightly while filling the mag.
It's finally October, which means it's almost time for us Europeans to join the GK1 club! Hopefully Wolfiek come through.
From what i've heard, EU shipments are still not out yet.
Shipping (happens by boat) takes 3 weeks + customs etcetera, i'm guessin october is still a bit too early unfortunately.
My bet is early november.
@subscriber tried the 8.5 inch Moderator. The sound level difference seemed much bigger in person than it does in the video. Think maybe the cell phone clips the sound level.

It is relaxing plinking in the loft. The target makes a lot more noise than the gun. This thing sure goes through a lot of pellets.

Jim K.

@subscriber tried the 8.5 inch Moderator. The sound level difference seemed much bigger in person than it does in the video. Think maybe the cell phone clips the sound level.

It is relaxing plinking in the loft. The target makes a lot more noise than the gun. This thing sure goes through a lot of pellets.

Jim K.

I’ve tried all 5 of Subscribers designed mufflers. If you can, get the 6.5” Oval. My personal favorite.
I tried all @ 750fps and at the speed it’s extremely enjoyable.
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This thing sure goes through a lot of pellets.

Yeah, that's one of the airgun industry's best kept secrets....: 😆

JSB and H&N, the largest manufacturers of quality pellets, pay a fortune of incentives to the gun manufacturers for every semi-auto PCP they bring to the market.

And for full-auto PCPs the incentives they pay are only known to the CEOs of each company — it's that much money....

😊 I just had a very encouraging talk with a loan officer of my bank to see how much money they will let me borrow against my apartment — to buy pellets and slugs.


See how easy it is to put out a false rumor?! 😆
(Don't be fooled, plz. 😉)
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Yes, that's the consequence of using undersized slugs, but once the magazine is filled, it should not be an issue.
Just point the barrel up slightly while filling the mag.
Not sure. I bought mine from Wolfiek in Spain. Not here in the Netherlands. I was under the impression that Wolfiek already has them, but are still testing them. At least... that's what the email said. I hope they come through on their October promise. If not, Im gonna be pretty pissed. We've waited long enough.
Kelly at KrazKool airguns
Mine too, came from KRAZ Cool Air Guns.

As I noted in another post, you get a couple of little extras from Kelly.
A fill port plug, and a brass cup for the screw that holds the stock to the gun. Plus he gives the guns a once over before shipping.

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