Exactly. There are plenty of other guns cheaper on the market that are low-powered. If you're going to spend $1,200 on a pistol, you might as well get the most you can out of it.
The Huben pistol is so far ahead of all other PCP pistols that it's not even in the same galaxy.

Power, looks, size, semi system, adjustability......... no other pistol is in the same league, not even close.
I am ready,

I'm ready for my Huben pistol, I have 4 operational pumps ready do do some work ;)
You get another pre-order in yet? I am so tempted ngl, but am holding off as I really don't have a need, would be more of a prize possession / collectible for me.

Didn't pre-order since I don't really have the funds, but some coming in for the last gun I sold.

Not expecting all guns will be gone so hope for some to be available without pre-order
I am really impressed by the huben pump. Much lighter than either generic PCP pump I have. Also much more refined. Folding, locking handles. Pump tube locking when stored.
Still, intensive labor to hit 5000 psi.
Zero chance I will fill to 350 BAR,....I'm going for a steady 250 BAR fill and that will be perfect for me.

But that Huben pump sounds good,...how much they go for ?
I agree, Huben set the bar so high that it doesn't even seem fair for the rest of the competitors.

I'm not a fan of clones but also not a fan of expensive air guns so I hope it's economically cloned..probably won't be (economically). Go to youtube and check the comments on the huben GK1 review, so many people with similar sentiment (price being barrier to entry)....it's a serious matter in our hobby.

I'm not a fan of clones but also not a fan of expensive air guns so I hope it's economically cloned..probably won't be (economically). Go to youtube and check the comments on the huben GK1 review, so many people with similar sentiment (price being barrier to entry)....it's a serious matter in our hobby.

That is true, to get high quality you do have to put out a lot of money.
350 Bucks ?!?!? .....Dang, no thanks my 50 bucks pumps work just fine, more then fine. :ROFLMAO:

I use this pump, It's currently unavailable from Amazon now but I'm able to fill my K1, GK1, and even my Western rattler 357 to max bar with it. I've now had it for over a year and it's still going strong. It's really nice cuz you can take it out into the woods or wherever you shoot and you don't need any power supply because it runs off batteries. I've been very happy with it and like I said it's powerful enough to actually fill all of my guns to Max.
That is true, to get high quality you do have to put out a lot of money.

I wouldn't say quality has to come at a high cost, it just so happens it's a common trope that isn't true....heck you can pay a lot for a piece of garbage. Diamonds are a good example of a market being cornered and prices being inflated, and in today's age lab grown diamonds are of BETTER quality at a lower cost...

I wouldn't say quality has to come at a high cost, it just so happens it's a common trope that isn't true....heck you can pay a lot for a piece of garbage. Diamonds are a good example of a market being cornered and prices being inflated, and in today's age lab grown diamonds are of BETTER quality at a lower cost...

When I first got into this hobby I tried to do it cheap, I was buying AEA and Hatsans. I learned my lesson, The only old gun I kept was my sortie, I've never had a problem with it and my kids use it to shoot. AEA semi-automatics are just garbage, when they are working good they're fantastic but they're just unreliable in my experience. Now that I have Hubens and my western rattler, I don't think I could ever go back to a cheaper gun. I know that there are guns for under $1,000 that are reliable cuz I had a Benjamin bulldog, fantastic gun never had a problem out of it and I even think it looks cool. I ended up giving that to my dad for birthday present when I got my Western rattler.
I'm not a fan of clones but also not a fan of expensive air guns so I hope it's economically cloned..probably won't be (economically). Go to youtube and check the comments on the huben GK1 review, so many people with similar sentiment (price being barrier to entry)....it's a serious matter in our hobby.

Yeah not to keen on the price but unfortunately that's the direction the airgun world has gone for some times now, people are willing to pay so they keep rising prices.

Yes it's expensive, but nothing like it on the market and for me that I'm a pistol shooter finally a PCP that meets all my criterias.

so I sold 10 guns to make this purchase affordable to me.
When I first got into this hobby I tried to do it cheap, I was buying AEA and Hatsans. I learned my lesson, The only old gun I kept was my sortie, I've never had a problem with it and my kids use it to shoot. AEA semi-automatics are just garbage, when they are working good they're fantastic but they're just unreliable in my experience. Now that I have Hubens and my western rattler, I don't think I could ever go back to a cheaper gun. I know that there are guns for under $1,000 that are reliable cuz I had a Benjamin bulldog, fantastic gun never had a problem out of it and I even think it looks cool. I ended up giving that to my dad for birthday present when I got my Western rattler.

Umarex Notos is a great example of quality does not have to result in high price. It gets resoundingly glaring reviews, and comes at a fraction of the cost of most of it's competition, and any competition similarly priced lacks in features. As I said quality and feature rich ≠ high price.

Now does the Notos compare to the Huben GK1? No, two different classes, but certainly not 1K more in value imo.

The Huben GK1 outclasses all competition (currently) with features and power but that comes at a cost of being a blow open valve that dumps a ton of air, I could accomplish that with a Noto's for well under the 1k difference in cost. It's primarily their semi auto action that currently is cornered by Huben, Western rattler, and LKS.

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