Aah gotcha! I just glanced, and the spring and buffer are delicate. I accidentally shot the gun below 100 bar today. I wasn't paying attention to the gauge. But it looks like everything is okay. No jams, either.
I took the endcap off yesterday & checked the spring & guide. looked new. 250 pellets since replaced. Changed dot sight, just for fun, and was happy. Later, I had the gk1 on the porch and accidentally knocked it off the handrail, falling five feet to the concrete :eek:. Muzzle appears to have hit first and dented the Impulse mod on the front, but it is not bad. I damaged the dot mount. I'm not sure if the dot is okay. I will need to remount, but it looks ok. I put my scope back on, and it seems to shoot & function fine. I do not recommend this treatment. :)
November 12, so the next batch should be in by the end of the week ;) ...this is getting real, not been so excited about buying a new airgun in a looooong time.

After testing the .25 I'm just chomping at the bits to have my own.

.........Don't know if I mentioned this before but the Huben pistol is so small and slim that it actually fits inside one of the tactical Fanny packs I have.
I ordered a GK1, a Gregor Kamensek Edition that he was offering on his YouTube initial review. It ships direct from Huben in Barcelona Spain. I placed the order on November 1st, it was picked up by UPS on November 6th and as of Friday the 10th, it still hasn't left Barcelona! I've been receiving updates from UPS, they state it's in their warehouse in Barcelona. The shipment progress report I've been receiving states it's at the clearing agency awaiting final release. I sent Huben an email Thursday night to ask why it hasn't left and they replied that they were contacting UPS to find out why. I'm hoping to see it moving in my direction on Monday but at this point, I'm not holding my breath!
I ordered a GK1, a Gregor Kamensek Edition that he was offering on his YouTube initial review. It ships direct from Huben in Barcelona Spain. I placed the order on November 1st, it was picked up by UPS on November 6th and as of Friday the 10th, it still hasn't left Barcelona! I've been receiving updates from UPS, they state it's in their warehouse in Barcelona. The shipment progress report I've been receiving states it's at the clearing agency awaiting final release. I sent Huben an email Thursday night to ask why it hasn't left and they replied that they were contacting UPS to find out why. I'm hoping to see it moving in my direction on Monday but at this point, I'm not holding my breath!
Mine took about 2 weeks from shipping email. HTH
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At 250 pellets I checked & new spring & buffer looked good. maybe another 200 or so since, now spring is starting to kink, where it was in the buffer. The plastic buffer/guide was not tight when I put it on. I am putting back together now with a new spring and new buffer, that i reamed out a little with a drill bit. I am not or have I shot at excessively high ft pounds.

At 250 pellets I checked & new spring & buffer looked good. maybe another 200 or so since, now spring is starting to kink, where it was in the buffer. The plastic buffer/guide was not tight when I put it on. I am putting back together now with a new spring and new buffer, that i reamed out a little with a drill bit. I am not or have I shot at excessively high ft pounds.

View attachment 407109
Thanks I've watched it. Now, what is this spring for exactly, and what can cause issues with it ?
The spring pushes the striker forward; closing the firing valve after a shot is taken. If the spring breaks during operation and it cannot close the firing valve, all of the air will be released.

As far as what causes issues: Shooting the pistol at its maximum will exacerbate the wear on the spring. I’m starting to believe that this spring is durable with pressures lower than 200 bar. The higher the pressure the faster the spring will fail. The reason I say lower than 200 bar is the huben bullpups are normally tuned for 140-200 bar and have never had as many problems with the striker spring. I’ve had the original striker spring for 4 years.
The spring pushes the striker forward; closing the firing valve after a shot is taken. If the spring breaks during operation and it cannot close the firing valve, all of the air will be released.

As far as what causes issues: Shooting the pistol at its maximum will exacerbate the wear on the spring. I’m starting to believe that this spring is durable with pressures lower than 200 bar. The higher the pressure the faster the spring will fail. The reason I say lower than 200 bar is the huben bullpups are normally tuned for 140-200 bar and have never had as many problems with the striker spring. I’ve had the original striker spring for 4 years.
All right, that's clear thanks. Where can we get those exact springs, I think I want to buy some spare parts just in case? EDIT: Found out, striker spring on the official website. I'm wondering if it possible to replace it with a stronger one?
First impressions:

- There is no good place to put my left hand thumb, when shooting with two hands. It sometimes ends up on the cylinder.

- Front sight post is too narrow, or rear sight notch is too wide. There should be just two slivers of light between the two when the pistol is held at arms length. As it is, there is considerable margin for the front post in the sight picture.

- Trigger is waaaaay too light. Adjusting the back screw for the second stage to the max (heavy) limit leads to dumping of air. Backing the screw off this limit, 1/2 revolution, yields a 0.65kg trigger... but I want a 1.5kg trigger! Maybe that's just me, but I want to be able to preload the 2nd stage and break it when taking the shot/ when the sights are perfectly lined up with the target. It is hard to preload a 0.65kg trigger.
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The spring in the back is 7.0mm OD, 1.0mm wire thickness, 30mm long; mine looks OK, so far. It might be replaceable by a 1.25mm wire thickness spring, but I'm not going to do it just yet, unless it breaks at some point. I'm not sure if I want to volunteer my pistol for this test just yet (and such a change change might turn out to be wrong for some other unknown reason).
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At 250 pellets I checked & new spring & buffer looked good. maybe another 200 or so since, now spring is starting to kink, where it was in the buffer. The plastic buffer/guide was not tight when I put it on. I am putting back together now with a new spring and new buffer, that i reamed out a little with a drill bit. I am not or have I shot at excessively high ft pounds.

View attachment 407109
The spring might also be catching on the edge of the hole in the metal part with the two screws. In which case increasing the inner diameter of the buffer would not help and might make things worse. If that's the case than the hole in the metal part might need a little bit of chamfer, but don't go chamfering metal parts just because I said it might.