Huben Huben shooters

I've had my 25 for about a month now. Kelly had the reg set @ 18.5 / 30 clicks. shooting , I dont remember exactly. Approx 500 rds, slugs & pellets. I sped her up 2 clicks and accuracy improved. However, 1 magazine + a few shots would be all I could get from a tube. The book says to keep reg around 18 for trouble free operations.
Well, I lowered the reg to 13.5. I get the same speeds @ 37 clicks, fewer "krazy Ivans" & tighter ES. My SD IS AROUND 4. AND I get 3 magazines from a charge.
Any one else tried this?
I reset her to Kelly's settings and low shot count returned with the spikes and such.
Is this trouble in the works? After 1500 rds , I can't see how.
I intend to , after some feed back, return to the lower reg and wider valve..
I am one that runs my .22 Huben at lower reg settings . . .

I know that Kelly and Huben both recommend higher pressures, but my personal experience (with only one gun) is that lower is better, with one issue I'll get to in a bit. Additionally, Gregor has recommended setting the reg pressure based on the desired power level one wants to shoot at - he suggests setting the reg so that the max that your desired ammo will shoot is about 30-50 FPS above what you want, then to dial the power wheel back a bit to get there. He believes that this gives the best accuracy, and I would agree (based on my limited sample, but testing lots of different ammo).

I run my Huben shooting 18.1 grain pellets at about 920 fps, unfortunately I can't really get my reg low enough to max out the speed at around 950 ish - I have run it as low as 85 bar (or 8.5 on your scale), but it was a bit flaky there so I upped it to 90 and it did much better. But the pellets will still max out at well over 1000 fps at that setting if I turn up the power wheel.

But - what I have found is that the factory regulator is not as stable at pressures the deeper you go below ~150 bar (~15.0 on your scale). I think that is why Huben and Kelly try to work at higher pressures. at 90-95 bar, my first shots were always high after sitting for a while. Eventually I got a Huma reg and installed it at 95 bar and it is rock solid no matter how long it sits, or how fast I shoot.
I’m a little bipolar with my Hubens. The 25 has a stock reg at 190bar and is setup to shoot Altaros 51 grain slugs at 935fps, just a hair under 100fpe. I refill after each mag. The 22 is setup for plinking and like Alan, I have a Huma reg running rock solid at 95bar. I shoot Hades and 18.1s at 935. It can stretch to shooting the AVS 22 grain slugs but what’s the point when I have the 25 cal cannon. I’m about to post a new thread to report a nice finding with the 22…