• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Hugget Belita, what can I expect ?

I have a Belita and a 0DB 110. The 0DB and the Belita have similar internal construction being felt wrapped around screen which is wrapped around an aluminum perforated core. The ODB doesn't have a FPE limit listed, so I would assume the Belita might be similar? I feel the Belita is more quiet, but its outlet is smaller than the OBD. I also recently got a Huggett Atom and felt it was similar or a bit more quiet than the ODB. This was using my Daystate Mk4 with a 12 fpe and 20 fpe setting. Pictured is the Belita and Atom with inlet caps off.

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You can shoot well beyond 12fpe with ANY Huggett moderator. Keep in mind it's made in the UK where they are limited to Sub 12fpe without an FAC License. So, it's reasonable to assume that's why the Huggett advertising says 12fpe. I use Huggett's almost exclusively on all my airguns because they are quieter than any other moderator out there. I have two Belitas, an Atom, two Mini Magnas, and two Astilles. They aren't built like DFL's with grossly oversized openings that "Idiot Proof" their moderators. They are sized correctly and unless misused, don't clip. Too bad you probably waited too long and missed the one or two they had on sale at Utah AG.. All gone, out of stock now, and now even harder to find in the US.
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You can shoot well beyond 12fpe with ANY Huggett moderator. Keep in mind it's made in the UK where they are limited to Sub 12fpe without an FAC License. So, it's reasonable to assume that's why the Huggett advertising says 12fpe. I use Huggett's almost exclusively on all my airguns because they are quieter than any other moderator out there. I have two Belitas, an Atom, two Mini Magnas, and two Astilles. They aren't built like DFL's with grossly oversized openings that "Idiot Proof" their moderators. They are sized correctly and unless misused, don't clip. Too bad you probably waited too long and missed the one or two they had on sale at Utah AG.. All gone, out of stock now, and now even harder to find in the US.
I have one confirmed order and ready to ship. I didn’t hesitate
I don't understand the max power ratings on Huggett website. The Atom and Belita say max 12 ft/lb, but all the others are 50 ft/lb and up.

The mods are different in volume and construction. If Huggett states a max power level, then that was their intent. The higher power mods would larger, stronger and heavier. Note the length and diameters on the spec sheets when you scroll down at each link:

100 FPE:

70 FPE:

50 FPE:

12 FPE:

What would happen of you attached a 12 FPE rated mod to a 50 FPR PCP? The sound reduction is likely going to be disappointing. You may damage the casing, or fray the internal stuffing material.

Your mod question is similar to, "why can't I tune my 12 FPE PCP for 50 FPE?" Answer: Because it was not made for it. In other words, if you want to carry two tons of cargo, don't use a half ton pickup.

Your best source for info here would be Huggett themselves, rather than internet forum speculation:
[email protected]
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Not everyone has the same expectations when it comes to acceptable sound levels. If a 4" long mod does what you need, then great.

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that adding a mod to a shrouded PCP is not the same as mounting it directly to the barrel. Not in terms of sound reduction, and not in terms of durability. Direct barrel mounting will be louder and more stressful when using a short small diameter mod.
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They look very nice, but noise suppression is well under average - Purchasing the cheapest Weihrauch does a far better job keeping the noise down for much less money.
I was very disappointed when I "upgraded" my cheap Weihrauch moderator to the Hugget Snipe for my .177 rifle. But it is at least better than without moderator.
To improve the looks and still have super suppression i favour today Weihrauch XL-K.
I compared it to a 0-DB on my friends HP .177 Scout. There was a major noise difference in favour to the Weihrauch Moderator.
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They look very nice, but noise suppression is well under average - Purchasing the cheapest Weihrauch does a far better job keeping the noise down for much less money.
I was very disappointed when I "upgraded" my cheap Weihrauch moderator to the Hugget Snipe for my .177 rifle. But it is at least better than without moderator.
To improve the looks and still have super suppression i favour today Weihrauch XL-K.
I compared it to a 0-DB on my friends HP .177 Scout. There was a major noise difference in favour to the Weihrauch Moderator.
Unfortunately I'm unable to purchase a Weihrauch here in the States. At least I haven't found a place..........
I had a Donny Sumo on an.22 Taioan Mutant shooting 15.9 JSB pellets at 966 fps and a Donny Rodin on a .25 Taipan Vet shooting 25.4 pellets at 8.40 fps. Both were quiet but I got tired of the soup can look at the end of the barrels. I put an Atom on the Mutant and a Belitta on the Vet. Both Huggetts were quieter than the Donny’s
Unfortunately I'm unable to purchase a Weihrauch here in the States. At least I haven't found a place..........
You might try airgunspares in GB. I recently ordered a Weihrauch mod. from them.
The shipping was very quick considering the distance to the USA, but the service and packaging were great.

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You can shoot well beyond 12fpe with ANY Huggett moderator. Keep in mind it's made in the UK where they are limited to Sub 12fpe without an FAC License. So, it's reasonable to assume that's why the Huggett advertising says 12fpe. I use Huggett's almost exclusively on all my airguns because they are quieter than any other moderator out there. I have two Belitas, an Atom, two Mini Magnas, and two Astilles. They aren't built like DFL's with grossly oversized openings that "Idiot Proof" their moderators. They are sized correctly and unless misused, don't clip. Too bad you probably waited too long and missed the one or two they had on sale at Utah AG.. All gone, out of stock now, and now even harder to find in the US.
I got the Belita for $70 then went back and got the Astille for $70 too.