• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Hugget Belita, what can I expect ?

I have some spare Belita parts - one threaded end cap and two internal baffles. Found them in my parts cache and forget why the factory decided to send them to me. PM me if you would like them and I'll mail them (free). US only.

The best mods come out of the UK, IMO. Those Brits really have it down in that area.

I have no doubt the smaller Huggets will physically handle 30+ FPE. But at some point the sound suppression from them may reach their limit if they were designed for the lower FPE guns. That will be the likely trade-off. But that can be said about small mods from any brand.
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