Huben Hugh-ben or Hoo-ben?

Hmmmm.... I've always been pronouncing is 'who'-ben, but I suppose it's like human so that may be right.
Your pronunciation is correct. Its Chinese name is "虎贲," which can be transliterated as "Who-ben." In traditional Chinese culture, it refers to brave warriors from ancient times.
I pronounce it "nevergonnamattercuziwontspendthatmuchonanairgunwhenicanbuyarealgunthatwilloutperformitineverywayatafractionofthecost"
To bad for you, such a phenomenal gun,....yes my Glock 19 cost half what my Huben cost but you know what ? to shoot my Glock I need to go places and cost a lot to shoot a bunch of rounds, my Huben I can shoot at home and costs next to nothing.
I know. I'm just feeling a little snarky today and with some distasteful humor wanted to see how long it would take to "trigger" one of the many sensitive males here. You win with a time of 19 minutes. I really do find the rampant insecurity amusing. I can already feel the breath from the incoming warning from one of the overly sensitive admin. It's no wonder only mostly docile and agreeable retired guys frequent the forum. Someone has likely already reported me for hurting their feelings over a post on an airgun forum :p
Jeez you need attention that bad ?