Finally got my Huma reg. 3 long weeks of waiting. Installed it on my impact. Took a few shots to settle it in. I let it sit over night to see if it creeps. 24 hours later, pressure still at 140 bar. Shot over chrony to make sure. Getting 870-880 fps with 34gr using 600mm barrel. Fx make good impact is the most accurate gun I own. But they make poopty reg and gauge. Don't believe me just look at how many threads about impact/crown owners changing their regs to Huma and their gauges to wika. Fx could learn a thing or two about regs and gauge from those guys. My fx stock gauges are 20 bars apart. WTH. Smh. My fx reg creeps 10 bars overnight. Always had to fry fire 2 shots before a hunt. Got annoying. So glad Huma came to the rescue. Now I can finally go hunting without having to dry fire 2 shots to scared my prey.
Huma reg vs fx reg. Huma use all metal while fx uses plastic piston. Plastic? Come on fx. This is a $2000. Why put a cheap plastic piston? To save a few bucks?
Huma reg vs fx reg. Huma use all metal while fx uses plastic piston. Plastic? Come on fx. This is a $2000. Why put a cheap plastic piston? To save a few bucks?