Air Superiority is out of stock and has not returned my E-mail. Is there another dealer? Been all over the Web but can't fine one. Looking to install in my .22 Marauder
I got mine from Huma directly in Europe: Just email them to arrange and then pay via PayPal. There's even a currency converter built right into the PayPal send money page. It was really painless.
Also see here: This is the .177/.22 cal version for the Marauder. That's the only one they stock but you could ask them for others.
Sorry I missed your emails...I get lots and lots per day!
Anyway the the regulators will be in shortly, we are working with manufacturers to get us a shipment asap. We had a minor delay/setback so our stock has been a little low.
Sorry to all who have been trying to purchase regulators and they have not been stock....we try and make sure this doesn't happen in the future.
Nick is a great guy to deal with. When I got one for my S510 Carbine he sent it to me and wanted me to try it. If I liked it pay him, if I didn't send It back. Needless to say he got paid very quickly...Great regulators. jimmy
Nick, I have an AAS510 FAC, .22. Do you have any recommendations for a gunsmith to install one of your Huma Regulators? I don't feel like I have the know how to install one. I live in Southern Arizona, and would like to find one nearby if possible. What is the price and availability of your regulator?