Well, that is basically true, but there is more to it than just plenum size. The size of the transfer ports from the plenum to the HP side of the valve also comes into consideration. The EDguns (and Kalibrguns) have a larger diameter port than most, thus allowing a larger rate of air flow from the plenum through the valve to the barrel. I think that the FX guns are somewhere mid size, and in my experience the Daystate guns have very small ports. For example, in my Renegade .22, the port from the plenum area to the HP side of the valve is the size (diameter) of a normal pencil lead. So no matter how high I set my Huma, and no matter how large a plenum I install, the maximum flow rate is limited by the tiny diameter port. Could I drill it out? - yes. Do I want to void the 3 year warranty? - nope...
Now im a happy camper !!

I was finally able to afford the crony and a decent pair of calipers, and while shopping i got a email that the new Smooth twist X barrel liners was available here in Finland! so i had to jump on that aswell!

Before anything else, i setup the crony.
Tested my wildcats pellet speed with the Jsb Kings .25 25,39gr and got a variation from 928-943 fps ( max spread 15fps )
Then with the JSB king Heavy . 25 33.95gr and got a variation from 757-836 ( max spread 79fps !! )

Later that day i took a few beers before i got the courage to start screwing the Wildcat apart ( so afraid of braking something ) but it was no big deal in the end, even had the extra o-rings for the air cylinder, but when i took it apart noticed the air cylinder o-rings where still greasy, soft and undamaged so i didnt change em.

Installed the huma regulator ( 140bars )
Installed the smooth twist X barrel liner, ( i did put the o-rings on the liner )
and put the gun back together and filled her up, no leaks ! Nice !
Put some .25gr jsb`s in the mag and started shooting over the crony and adjusted the hammer spring until i got it around 925fps ( with max spread of only 4 fps!! WOW! ), put the stock back on and quickly set up my target sheet on 50yards.

Had to re-zero my scope and stared doing groups, my best result was 1" group! a little disappointed but i knew i can still adjust the speed and try to get better accuracy!

I had a tin of the 33gr mk2 Jsb`s next to me so i decided to test them out, and the results was 827-829fps with max spread of 2fps!!! Im a beliver in Huma now!!
Then to the groups, my best 8 Shot group ( full magazine groups ofq!) was .38" ! i actually had to go put a metal plate behind the target, cause i couldn't believe i was shooting pellet on pellet!! i was so happy i forgot to test the shot count! but i know i can get atleast 4 full mags with a full fill! and that's good enough for me!
My Wildcat is shooting like a laser on 50yards! and no weird POI shifts between magazines anymore! 

So all i can say is that i fully recommend the huma regulator for the fx wildcat mk2, also the Smooth twist X barrel liner might have helped! but not as much as the Huma!

So finally i want to give a HUGE Thank you to CHUCK! and this thread! probably saved me from a huge amount of headache!

Ps. here she is <3
Nice. I put a Huma gauge in the bleed hole, like some others have done. You have to cut out a little on the stock, but it's kinda nice to check the pressure while shooting, without having to look at the front of the cylinder. I set mine at 150 bar, and fill to 300 bar. Shoot till I notice the reg gauge dropping below 150, then know it's time to fill up. But I don't think I could do any cutting on that beautiful laminated stock! :)
"cootertwo"Nice. I put a Huma gauge in the bleed hole, like some others have done. You have to cut out a little on the stock, but it's kinda nice to check the pressure while shooting, without having to look at the front of the cylinder. I set mine at 150 bar, and fill to 300 bar. Shoot till I notice the reg gauge dropping below 150, then know it's time to fill up. But I don't think I could do any cutting on that beautiful laminated stock! :)
Mind posting a picture of how much you had cut out ? it would be nice to have the gauge on the side instead of at the end of the cylinder!
Hi Marcuz, first let me say thank you for believing my claims about the Huma regulators and for having the confidence to do it yourself. Your Wildcat looks so beautiful with her gray laminate stock! Your success story makes me feel very happy because I am the one telling everyone to install a Huma regulator in their air rifles and so I feel responsible and hope it works out well with no problems. Your results are fantastic!

All the best, Chuck
"CHUCK"Hi Marcuz, first let me say thank you for believing my claims about the Huma regulators and for having the confidence to do it yourself. Your Wildcat looks so beautiful with her gray laminate stock! Your success story makes me feel very happy because I am the one telling everyone to install a Huma regulator in their air rifles and so I feel responsible and hope it works out well with no problems. Your results are fantastic and actually better than my Wildcat, which has an extreme spread of 6 ft/s and a standard deviation of just 1.66 ft/s. At 830 ft/s you are getting 52 foot pounds of energy which is 8 more than factory setting! When you do a complete shot string keep shooting until you notice a shot hit about 1" lower than the others, which will mean you are below the regulated a 140 bar setting you should get about 54-60 shots before it "falls off the reg" I think. Please share your story with Huub Andressen...I know he will feel like a proud father! 
All the best, Chuck
To belive in you was the best thing i have done this year! :) no need to thank me! im just thankful you took the time and effort to tell us about what amazing results you can get with the Huma!
If your in contact with Huub just feel free to copy paste my story! and send him a big thank you and tell him to keep doing what he does! cause its working wonders! :)
Double Post.

But to add to my story,

I just now went to do a few quick groups on 65yards ( max on my own little range ) and best group was 0.74" and im still happy with that!
But i also tested shot count, and i can only get 27-30 Shots before it falls of the reg, a pretty clear 1,5" shot lower than zero, doesnt come close to the 54-60 you said. And i trust that the reg is set at the 140bar i requested, and that amount is from a 230bar fill.

im still happy :)
Marcus, you might double check setting on the regulator. Mine was off 5 bar., which ain't all that bad. Maybe you have too much hammer energy for the regulator setting. A good way of setting it is to start out with the HS backed out shoot three shots through the chrrony, keep repeating until the velocity doesn't increase anymore then back it off a 1/4 turn.
Im getting four mags at 875 with king heavies.
"jking"Marcus, you might double check setting on the regulator. Mine was off 5 bar., which ain't all that bad. Maybe you have too much hammer energy for the regulator setting. A good way of setting it is to start out with the HS backed out shoot three shots through the chrrony, keep repeating until the velocity doesn't increase anymore then back it off a 1/4 turn.
Im getting four mags at 875 with king heavies.
Hi Jimmy!

Well when i got the reg the notch was not exactly at 140bars, more like 143bars, but is the huma sticker actually 100% accurate or is the reg actually pressure tested for my recuired 140bar ? that i dont know. 
Also when i adjusted the HS i just adjusted it until i got the speed of 920 for my King`s that i planned on shooting to begin with, but with those settings my king heavy's are shooting so great i dont wanna mess up the settings now :D

Now i just enjoy shooting long range and actually hitting things im aiming at, might start playing around with settings when later on :) 
Thanks for the comment tho!
Yesterday I got an email from Huub Andriessen about one of the members here on the forum that was very upset with his new Huma regulator, so I told Huub to have him call me to see if I could help. The member couldn't get it to work and was ready to use it for a paper weight, but after a few pointed questions we determined that he had put it in backwards! Best regards, Chuck
Hi Chuck,

Thanks for all the great info here. Its a huge help.

I'm still having trouble getting my Wildcat MKII Compact .25cal to shoot well.

A little history.

Very wide range of speeds with both the OEM and HUMA reg

I ordered the med pressure reg and set it to 150bar.

The Huma reg didn't include a spacer so I reused the OEM one.

Spacer looks to be a tad short as I can see the O-ring thru the bleed hole in the air cylinder.

All easy enough to fix.

My real concern is when setting the feeding pin to the dimension noted in your guide.

I can't cock the gun. It needs to be set about .030" shorter than the 28.55mm you mentioned.

Could this have something to do with my gun being the compact version?

In any event I have Huub sending me a high pressure reg and a bunch of O-rings as I've

used all of mine up.

My goal is to get JSB Kings 25.4gr to about 910fps. 895 is about the best I've got so far.


mtm100: You need to get the spacer ring from Huma. It is longer than the OEM

My wildcat is shooting 25,4gr King's 925-928fps with Huma MP regulator set to 125bar. I used Huma regulator tester to check the pressure. Scale on the regulator was quite a lot off. It now reads approx. 133bar but with the tester I can confirm that it is 125bar. I also have HP version of the regulator and the scale is also approx. 5bar off.

I also got the X liner and quite a lot of led was sticking in the end of the barrel where choke is. So barrel gets dirty fast. I notice this when I was cleaning the barrel, some lead chips where comming out. Anyone else has this problem? I polished the barrel with JB bore finishing compound and now led is not sticking in the barrel anymore. also noticed that no more flyers and better gruping indeed :)
I have read this thread with great interest having already purchased a huma for a. 25 streamline set at 140bar following sage advice from chuck. I have yet to get round to installing it, however it seems reasonably straight forward and the benefits of consistency and an increased shot count are obvious. Running 25 grain jsbs at around 900fps and I am happy with this, however jsb 34 grain plop out at 770fps so will look at pushing this to around 820 to 850 without sending the 25s into a death spiral. I presume this is achievable but any advice welcome 

I'm reading this thread with great interest for my son's gun (new Wildcat Mk II, .25 cal). He was super excited about receiving his gun, until the second time he shot it and saw the POI start moving on him-that's when I chronied it and saw the velocity was down (a LOT) from where it was when it was first checked before being sent to me. Seeing the disappointment in his eyes, I immediately did some research and concluded (based on the comments on the forum here) that getting a HUMA would not hurt and hopefully resolve the issues for my son. I did get a chance to show him over the chrony that the Heavy Mk II's are moving faster at 50 yards than the Lites are, so we plan to set his gun up to shoot the heavies only.

Question: when I ordered my Huma straight from them, I had him preset the regulator at 150 bar. I don't know whether or not I will easily be able to adjust the HS tension in the gun so I'm not sure I'm going to try to adjust that setting. I will get a caliper to check the probe depth (is there a link showing where to measure?). Anyway, worst case: I pull the FX paperweight and install the Huma regulator into his gun, along with the Huma plenum (I'm assuming that comes with the regulator?) with no adjustment to the HS tension. I'm hoping that puts his gun shooting the heavies in the mid 800's or so. Does that sound about right?

Also, how do you go about removing the cylinder and do you need to discharge it first, or does it just unscrew like other guns (Theobens, RAWS, etc)? I'm a RAW guy so I'm just getting my feet wet with the FX WC for my son.

Thanks in advance.
