Huma vs fx amp reg.

What are you experienced with huma reg vs fx amp reg? My test is with the fx impact mk2. I installed an huma gen 3 reg and compared it to fx amp reg with brass piston. I polished both so to get an fair comparison. I notice with huma reg it will refill a lot faster, like 3-5 seconds to get back to set pressure. With fx amp, it takes 15-20 seconds to settle back. Huma reg will raise about 2 bar after an hour. Fx amp will raise about 5 bar after an hour. Speed from 1st shot to 5th shot after an hour, huma is difference of about 20 fps spread, fx amp reg about 30 fps spread. (This is just my opinion but the difference in spread may also be due to the spring settling down after not being shot too, added with small increase in pressure). This is my experience with both reg. I also found this video of this guy compared both and seem to have a very similar experience. If you're interested in deciding to upgrade to huma, you should watch his video.

First pic, top is fx amp bottom is huma. 2nd pic left is fx amp right is huma. I notice fx amp adjustment screw is smooth dome shape, while huma is flat with a nipple shape in the middle. Also air flow hole on huma is a bit larger. Maybe explain the quicker refill.


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Yes the bigger feed hole = faster fill. Some guys here have argued that smaller is better, to which I hard disagree.

Glad you went through this experience for yourself and shared it with us.

Bigger feed holes should also reduce pressure loss during the shot cycle and boost fps, however with the difference in the two units you tested being so minor/small, the difference is probably hardly noticeable, to the effect of .5 to 1 fps at most (at plateau).

I believe my regulator has around a 4mm feed, which is laughably larger than the Huma regulator orifice, and my gun always put out a hair more power than the guys who ran Huma regs.
