Humor... "I'm sure my wife won't mind while she is out shopping" ;-)

Ha-Ha!! OK, confession time. Who else...

(The dogs didn't seem to mind so I guess that DonnyFL is doing its job.)
I just HAD to do some shootin'.


Ha-Ha!! OK, confession time. Who else...

(The dogs didn't seem to mind so I guess that DonnyFL is doing its job.)
I just HAD to do some shootin'.

View attachment 362281
View attachment 362279
That brings back memories, but my wife shot with me. The kids couldn't come out of their rooms down the hall. That was 37 years ago, and they still talk about it.
I can get exactly 15yds in my house if I use the long hallway. And many pellets and arrows have been flung through that hallway over the years, especially during long rainy periods. Other people and animals are absent during those times, of course.

But... And this is important... It is inevitable that a hole will eventually develop somewhere it doesn't belong if you do it long enough. So just be prepared for that ;)
That brings back memories, but my wife shot with me. The kids couldn't come out of their rooms down the hall. That was 37 years ago, and they still talk about it.
This has absolutely zero to do with shooting but a cool Mrs. She bought me a live steam engine for Christmas, and track, she let me set it up running though the dining area, the living room and back through the kitchen. One cool Christmas present. We've been together 52 years today. Now I get to buy whatever I want and she gets what she wants, generally insanely expensive sewing machines and a quilting machine.
I once set up a little range in my garage, shooting some ballistic gelatin. It must have been about a foot deep of gelatin -- I figured there was no need for a back-stop with my wimpy air rifles.

After a few shots I couldn't find the pellets in the gelatin. With some extra-effort I noticed the little "contrail" through and found some holes in my garage door. One pellet was stuck half-way through the garage door.

I don't shoot in the garage anymore. Now I shoot in my living-room using the steel fireplace insert as the back-stop.
This has absolutely zero to do with shooting but a cool Mrs. She bought me a live steam engine for Christmas, and track, she let me set it up running though the dining area, the living room and back through the kitchen. One cool Christmas present. We've been together 52 years today. Now I get to buy whatever I want and she gets what she wants, generally insanely expensive sewing machines and a quilting machine.
same here 53 years , i buy guns and she buys Quilting , i go to airgun shows , she goes to quilting shows .
Hey All, Thanks for comments. Some good stories. The Custom Range Lighting was needed to give some resolution to the bulls for better aiming.

Did anyone notice how Just rotating the Air Port SIZE from Small to Medium in the top center bull moved the Velocity up almost 260 fps at the SAME Hammer Spring tension on that Crown II (?). Wow.

Keith1: I really do like the GRS stock. It is just such a "Supermodel" to behold every time I open the gun case and is very comfortable to shoot with.

Strarlingassn: We think the "Tusks" came from Indonesia / Thailand area and have been told that they are Buffalo (as definitely Not Ivory). Someone who visited and was fairly knowledgeable said they are likely quite old. The intricacy of the fine-detailed carving on them is really something. We got them from an in-law who wanted them out to make room...
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