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Hunter Class Scope Recommendations For ~$600 Budget

I got a like new stac 3x15 mil ffp for sale great scope it is this one
this one https://sightron.com/collections/s-tac-series/products/s-tac-ffp-3-16x42-zero-stop
a few hunred off new pricing and they have lifetime warranty great scope , I also would say swfa 3x15 is decient scope in that price point i got a few of them
If you go S-Tac contact @Scope-Werks For a mag wheel
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I found my Athlon on "sale" at Midway for $549, they've since went up in price. It's a Midas Tac 6-24X50 HD FFP, APLR4 MOA, it focuses down to 9 yards almost, but not as clear as 10 yards. the reticle is great for hold overs, and it ranges good to my eyes. It's no so huge and heavy compared to a lot of FT scopes people use and it looks good on my prosport, size wise. The glass is pretty good too.
I will buy another for my 97K going forward.
I found my Athlon on "sale" at Midway for $549, they've since went up in price. It's a Midas Tac 6-24X50 HD FFP, APLR4 MOA, it focuses down to 9 yards almost, but not as clear as 10 yards. the reticle is great for hold overs, and it ranges good to my eyes. It's no so huge and heavy compared to a lot of FT scopes people use and it looks good on my prosport, size wise. The glass is pretty good too.
I will buy another for my 97K going forward.
@Franklink loves his. Athlon makes a good product. I've been impressed with my Heras , hello gen 2 and argos btr gen 2.
An important question that gets overlooked is: how much parallax rotation is there from 10 yds to 55 yds. A 90 deg rotation makes your range marks VERY close together on the upper end; a 180+ rotation gives you twice the definition for your range marks on your parallax wheel.
I really like my Hawke sidewinder 30, but it only gives about 90 Deg of rotation so it went on my XFT gun where the ranges are known. My Element
Titan FFP 3-18 with .2 mil hash marks has 180 deg rotation. It makes the 40-55 marks much clearer and I find .1Mil resolution just fine for my holdovers in HFT. Sightron has 180 deg +. Don't know about the Athlons. Maybe an Athlon guy can chime in?
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An important question that gets overlooked is: how much parallax rotation is there from 10 yds to 55 yds. A 90 deg rotation makes your range marks VERY close together on the upper end; a 180+ rotation gives you twice the definition for your range marks on your parallax wheel.
I really like my Hawke sidewinder 30, but it only gives about 90 Deg of rotation so it went on my XFT gun where the ranges are known. My Element
Titan FFP 3-18 with .2 mil hash marks has 180 deg rotation. It makes the 40-55 marks much clearer and I find .1Mil resolution just fine for my holdovers in HFT. Sightron has 180 deg +. Don't know about the Athlons. Maybe an Athlon guy can chime in?
My element titan 3-18x50 moa gets at least 225 degrees rotation from 10 yards to 55 yards