HW/Weihrauch HW 35L

Took a ride to beautiful NH yesterday to pick up my 35 from my good friend Scott Blair. Had him revive the leather piston seal and clean and relube , replaced breech seal w synthetic cause original leather to far gone . Also had him sand and refinish stock . What I saw amazed me. Shooting smooth and in the low 700’s . Thought I share a couple pictures. Before and after.




Took a ride to beautiful NH yesterday to pick up my 35 from my good friend Scott Blair. Had him revive the leather piston seal and clean and relube , replaced breech seal w synthetic cause original leather to far gone . Also had him sand and refinish stock . What I saw amazed me. Shooting smooth and in the low 700’s . Thought I share a couple pictures. Before and after.

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Absolutely stunning!!! It definitely went into the right hands. What an improvement. Goes to show that sometimes the beautiful woodwork is covered by the manufacturers. Enjoy that 35L Mike.
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Thank you for all the kind words guys.
And most thanks to you Mike, for giving me the honor/opportunity to handle, and work on, this beautiful classic airgun.
It was a pleasure to see you & JC again.

Wish I lived closer. Really....wish I lived up there. Such a treat to see you and Rem. Plus got to shoot that gorgeous 35L!!! Great day.
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