HW100 Owners sell me on buying one over the BSA R10 MK2

I have a post on GTA for the BSA R10 MK2 which I almost bought Friday but evidently the suppliers don't have any in .22 and the factory is not shipping until the end of Aug. So I am taking this time to see it something around the same price range is as accurate and would make a decent bench rest gun. The HW 100 is also on my list...Tell me about yours with pic is possible gun or targets.. Thanks
I have had an HW100 for 5 years now. When I got used, I sent it right out to Alan Zasadny for tuning and a moderator. He also fitted a Styer barrel he had laying around to it, custom machining it to fit the HW100. The gun is very,very accurate and fast. My experience hasn't been without issues. I have had to have the regulator resealed and the breech plate O ring is a bear to keep sealed, I go through one of those every time I remove the barrel for cleaning (yearly strip down and clean) but it isn't that big a deal to change, since the gun is a modular design. My only gripe besides the breech seal is that my thumb hole stock isn't adjustable. An easy fix perhaps this winter as a project. I have shot a friend's BSA R10 and found it "gritty" in function but highly accurate. Either gun, you really can't go wrong.

Thanks Jamie, especially on the "issues". I appreciate hearing the problems as much or even more than the good stuff.

I will receive my new HW100 FSB thumbhole this week from Jim at Prescion Air. He sold me my Daystate and he had the HW on sale.

I am still going to get the BSA too once they start shipping again. I just like the look of the gun, and the performance from members posts.
I must hang my head low...I ended up getting a FX400 Royal regulated carbon fiber bottle gun, It is a shooter so far out of the box. 30 yd groups with the center target dot w/out the dime the sight in after putting on the scope. It put 5 pellets under a dime at 30 yds and 6 under a dime at 50 yds with only the pellet hole for the shot to figure the holdover mil dot.
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I would take the HW100 over most guns. They are wickedly accurate, they are built in a modular design that is easily serviced and Pyramydair stocks most parts for them. I personally have been shooting one since 2008 with the only issues being a leaky reg. seal and a breech plate seal arrangement that could be improved upon. It is one of my favorite guns and has served me very well in FT and as a handy varminting rifle. I recently tuned it down from 17 ft. lb to around 12 ft lb. At 25 yards, it is crazy accurate and whisper quiet. I get about 120 shots per fill. It easily puts it's pellets into the same holt. Flies, hornets and wasps don't stand a chance. Oh, mine is in 177 cal.

Nice Striker, what's the fill pressure of the carbon fiber? Although the gun is not as "pretty" as some of the others it definetly is going to be a shooter. With the synthetic stock a serious hunter for sure. You guys are sure making it hard to decide on a down the road a ways other gun. So now I'm thinking about a FX 400, FX 500 or a Cricket 25 cal rifle. Oh, is it regulated? Keep us posted.