HW100 Sporter .22 stock vs HW100 .22 Thumbhole stock

Looking for opinions on the HW100 Sporter Stock vs Thumbhole Stock version.
Pluses and Minuses for either?
My current arsenal has the more traditional stocked airguns and I have been intrigued about whether a thumbhole stock offers any benefits for shooting accuracy over the standard stock.
I'll be purchasing one of these in the near future and am seeking guidance.
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The HW100 is a well built gun a bit on the heavy side. I have a.22 walnut sporter and a laminated thumbhole.177. Adding titanium air cylinders helps cut the weight to a perfectly manageable level, but the laminate is heavier. I'd love to trade my laminate TH stock for either of the walnut versions if I had the chance. The sporters are far more comfortable to me.