HW30S pellet recommendation

For best overall accuracy and energy 7.33 JSBs or the AA clones.

For paper targets and bird pesting under 25 yards RWS Meisterkugeln wadcutters work very well in either 7 or 8 grain. If you're feeling rich try the 8.2 gr R10 match versions. I've had a few single round hole 5 shot groups at 50 feet with 5 them.

Long range 50 -100 yards I do a little better with JSB 8.44s. The 7.87s might work as well but almost every time I buy them they are undersized to the point they'll fall out of the breech if I'm not careful. They already cost me a piston seal. They're more money than the other JSBs too so I gave up on them.
I shot in a league back in the 80’s and 90’s. Most common gun was the HW30. Most used pellets were RWS Basic. 7 grain, so on the light side of a lead pellet. Keeps the trajectory more flat. German made. Best part- Cheap. Save the money for a HW50 or 95.
I shot in a league back in the 80’s and 90’s. Most common gun was the HW30. Most used pellets were RWS Basic. 7 grain, so on the light side of a lead pellet. Keeps the trajectory more flat. German made. Best part- Cheap. Save the money for a HW50 or 95.View attachment 316939
What distance was the league shooting Bear? A belated Merry Christmas to you btw.
What distance was the league shooting Bear? A belated Merry Christmas to you btw.
We shot a 10 meter league. Traveled to other houses for house competitions. Some longer FT shoots at other houses. The RWS Basic back then was called Geco. I bought them back then for $1 a tin of 500. Sold them to everyone for a about what they cost me with shipping. R10 and Meisterkuglen were about $5 a tin. They later renamed the Geco to Basic. The HW30 and most match rifles loves these. Happy Holidays to you and yours Ron. Good luck in your move.
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Best I've tried in mine so far I can't recommend since H&N stopped making the Sniper Mediums.
Of the other 4 tested so far, RWS R-10 Match Heavies, Air Arms 7.33gr and a brand rarely mentioned, Rifle Ammunition 8.33gr shoot well in mine. The FX 8.4gr, nope, flyers and badly. Got a bunch more to test but that will have to wait until spring.
Beeman R7 .177 sight in.jpgRifle 177 pellets.jpg
Both my R7 and HW30 can shoot the newer JSB 8.44 well but the fit is so loose you risk ejecting the pellet right out of the breech as you lock up. The AA 8.4 fits well. Has to be something with the dies.
All JSBs occasionally run small. I've gotten lot numbers that were small and some that were better. I've accidentally dry fired guns because the pellet fell out while closing the barrel.

The smaller JSBs I'll save for use in my 97 or break barrels with tighter leades.

H&Ns run truer to size. I've never got loose fitting FTTs but they give up a little power over the JSBs in 177 Weihrauchs.
All JSBs occasionally run small. I've gotten lot numbers that were small and some that were better. I've accidentally dry fired guns because the pellet fell out while closing the barrel.

The smaller JSBs I'll save for use in my 97 or break barrels with tighter leades.

H&Ns run truer to size. I've never got loose fitting FTTs but they give up a little power over the JSBs in 177 Weihrauchs.
l also find the H&N to be sized more consistently and I'm currently experimenting with the new H&N Baracuda 8 pellets with favorable results. I have many tens of thousands of the JSB's to shoot up. They do fit better in the TX200 so I'm good there for a long while.