HW44 with a HW100 carbine air cylinder. It works!!!!!!!

I'll enable some, too....

There is a HW44 for sale right now!! 😄

Right here:
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OK, if we're going to resort to name calling like "Wicked Enablers", I going to be forced to post more pictures.:devilish:
This is my trio of HW44's (latest version).

The carbine is a .22. I've not made any power adjustments. It gets 50 shots shooting JSB 16's an average of 657 fps (15 fpe)

The pistol with the small moderator is a .177 and also has had no power adjustment. It also gets 60 shot shooting JSB 10.3's an average of 756 fps (13 fpe)

The one with no moderator is a .177 with the regulator set at about 60 bar and the hammer spring set to the lowest setting. Can't say for a certainty yet, but I'm fairly sure I'll get 120 shots per fill. Shoots JSB 8.4's in the 640's fps (8.4 fpe). The best part is it's quiet enough for me without a moderator.



OK, if we're going to resort to name calling like "Wicked Enablers", I going to be forced to post more pictures.:devilish:
This is my trio of HW44's (latest version).

The carbine is a .22. I've not made any power adjustments. It gets 50 shots shooting JSB 16's an average of 657 fps (15 fpe)

The pistol with the small moderator is a .177 and also has had no power adjustment. It also gets 60 shot shooting JSB 10.3's an average of 756 fps (13 fpe)

The one with no moderator is a .177 with the regulator set at about 60 bar and the hammer spring set to the lowest setting. Can't say for a certainty yet, but I'm fairly sure I'll get 120 shots per fill. Shoots JSB 8.4's in the 640's fps (8.4 fpe). The best part is it's quiet enough for me without a moderator.

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That carbine stock nice! How is fit and finish? I have 1 on order for a FWB65 and haven' heard a word. Hope they come through.
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It works like a champ. I had to remove a small amount of the plastic shroud near the end of the barrel for the added length of the HW100 cylinder and grind down the bottom side of the moderator adapter slightly to clear the gauge. Shot count went from mid 20's to 40 shots (.177). I also added a homemade moderator. It's obviously not as quite as the Weihrauch but actually still pretty quite to my ears and 3.25" shorter.
I purchased a HW100 bullpup a while back and added a longer Ratworks aluminun cylinder so I already had the cylinder, so I had no expense for this mod. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

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That's a good looking machine
Well worth the effort as they are one slick pistol.
Even better now you gave it the upgrade it deserves.
Great enginuity on your behalf and thanks for sharing your work👍
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I purchased the .22 HW44 with the carbine stock and a pistol grip off the classifieds a few months ago. Fit and finish on both is great, although I think I like the feel of the oem pistol grip slightly better.
I regret not jumping on that carbine/pistol HW44,
it would make an excellent yard and garden pest remover,,, you made a great buy, yes, I am a bit jealous as I was short of fun money when it made it's brief appearance in the classifieds (y)
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Yeah, buying that one wasn't so bad, nothing with having one in both .177 & .22 :), but then about a month later AoA had a great deal on another used .177. I'd been thinking about tuning mine down a bit so I decided to buy that one and have a lower powered .177 to go along with my full powered oneo_O. I could not believe the shot count once the power was turned down, and super accurate. I have obviously been smitten by my Weirauch's.
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Water Kenny, it is the carbine stock you have that gets me excited, as I am not a pistol guy. I have a HW 110 FAC 22 and I really like the platform.
But it is loooong,,, and the shorter (and milder) the better for home and garden defense, HW 44 is calling me. Now I will have BOTH
I am buying the HW 44 in the classifieds, and I will probably get a Sig mcx stock for it and adapt a short pic rail to attach to the frame. I would love to have a stock like the one you got, but money ??? and time as they take some time to be made if ordered,
and then again, there is RatWorks calling,,, $$$$ for an airtube, we will see, baby steps, get the gun first and shoot it as is for awhile.
Do you like the carbine stock or do you prefer the pistol handles?
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I love the carbine stock. Just doesn't extend forward for hand placement, but a monopod solves that issue. My picture shows a UTG but I use a little cheap plastic folding monopod most of the time. If I need a bipod I just swap it over.

Yeah, I like this version much better than my first with the original plastic shroud cut down.
The barrel is 10 mm. I put a 10 mm id X 12 mm od carbon fiber tube over mine, then went with a 12X14 mm over that to dress it up a bit. Completely unnecessary, shot fine without anything. I guess the barrel should be nice and rigid :ROFLMAO: . The picatinny rail I ordered from JB3DPD. I sent him a message and he made it for me and added it to his website. Two things I'm not crazy about with it. Only one slot and clamping the rail with a bipod/monopod is what keeps the clamp tight making it a bit annoying if you want to swap between a bipod and monopod (or use nothing at all). I solved this by add a riser that I leave on all the time, then I can swap between the two.

I ordered the 10 mm barrel to 1/2-20 adapter from DonnyFL. Actually I've ordered three. One fit perfectly, one was a slightly tight fit and needed to be sanded a bit, one was really tight. I had to drill it out slightly to fit the barrel.
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I found a $80 carbine stock from Germany, all aluminum, but butt ugly, I have it ordered, it will work until I can get a pretty one
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Well that stock option was a "FAIL" it is to high to be able to use a scope even with high scope rings
the unit is basic'ly 3 sections, the pic rail riser is off the shelf junk, the middle component lacks the drop down needed for a good fit or function and the folding stock part appears to be some cheap cast aluminum. I am thinking of making the middle section over with more drop. The middle section has a tendon that goes into the pic rail riser. Replace the pick rail riser with NcSTAR AR15 3/4" riser, other than that, I AM still wanting the wood stock like yours.
It appears to be the best option that I have found.
The English chap that makes a 3D printed stock does NOT send overseas, so that is a non-starter for US,

BUT gees,,, I really like this gun, but old shakey man with poor vision, makes for a poor marksman with an open sight pistol
I will get it scoped and stocked,,, Burris Optics Fullfield E1 Riflescope 4.5-14x42mm, Matte Black (os) (200344) on the way
If I need to , I will adjust the objective lens to obtain a 10 min parallax, got a tool sitting on the shelf, just waiting for a scope to adj.
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Water Kenny, it is the carbine stock you have that gets me excited, as I am not a pistol guy. I have a HW 110 FAC 22 and I really like the platform.
But it is loooong,,, and the shorter (and milder) the better for home and garden defense, HW 44 is calling me. Now I will have BOTH
I am buying the HW 44 in the classifieds, and I will probably get a Sig mcx stock for it and adapt a short pic rail to attach to the frame. I would love to have a stock like the one you got, but money ??? and time as they take some time to be made if ordered,
and then again, there is RatWorks calling,,, $$$$ for an airtube, we will see, baby steps, get the gun first and shoot it as is for awhile.
Do you like the carbine stock or do you prefer the pistol handles?

I wonder what the LOP on the Rink is 'cuz it seems too short?

Also, the cheek weld seems insufficient that the version with an adjustable one is the wiser choice.
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It works like a champ. I had to remove a small amount of the plastic shroud near the end of the barrel for the added length of the HW100 cylinder and grind down the bottom side of the moderator adapter slightly to clear the gauge. Shot count went from mid 20's to 40 shots (.177). I also added a homemade moderator. It's obviously not as quite as the Weihrauch but actually still pretty quite to my ears and 3.25" shorter.
I purchased a HW100 bullpup a while back and added a longer Ratworks aluminun cylinder so I already had the cylinder, so I had no expense for this mod. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

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Hi I've purchased a hw44 in .22 in UK sub 6fps could you please tell me what the regulator is set at on a FAC version of the .22 please as I'm trying to up the power on mine I've removed the anti tamper and I want to up the regulator to the same as an FAC version theirs not much info out their the hw44, so help would be much appreciated and do you know if the fac spring from a hw110 will fit the hw44
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