This HW55S has a serial number on only the barrel. It’s not from Beeman. It’s from ARH. The receiver is not numbered. It’s as new in condition. Not exactly sure how to date it. Thank you
No problem.
Be sure to register your HWs on the database, it helps expand the knowledge available to all.
Good point, but...the database contains other interesting information, and the original purchase date is just not something you can know for the vast majority of vintage guns. Since the list is careful to distinguish unconfirmed dates (they are shown in red), it seems a shame to leave interesting oldsters off the list for lack of one unobtainable smidgen of data.I highly recommend Weihrauch owners registering their airguns ONLY if they have a receipt and/or they're the original owner and actually know when it was purchased.
Using the HW DB to date a Weihrauch, then entering that same Weihrauch into the DB using the date the DB gave you, can potentially introduce errors. That's because the dates given by the DB are often approximations based on previous, more reliable data.
The database will only get more refined and accurate by new and accurate data, not by looping its output back to it.