HW75 Hammer won't pull back

I recently bought a Weihrauch HW75 through AirgunDepot. It was great for about 500 shots, but then the hammer started sticking - when I try to pull it back it won't go, like it's stuck on something, though if I press it slightly to the side I can usually get it to work. Once I get it pulled back it always fires fine. The problem is intermittent, like maybe there's something loose that's sometimes in the way. There also seems to be some slight stickiness in compressing it - the motion isn't as smooth as it previously was, and sometimes there's a clicking sound. When these problems first appeared they were much worse - the gun was unusable - but I noticed the forwardmost pin had somehow come partway out, and after tapping it back in it worked better but not perfectly.
I don't think I'm able to send it in, since I don't have the original packaging (needed by AIrgunDepot) and Weihrauch doesn't seem to have international support.
I'd like to try to fix it myself, but I'm an absolute baby and don't know where to start. I've been looking for instructions on how to take it apart (as little as possible) and either clean it or tighten it, but I've found nothing. Anyone have instructions they can point me to?
It's not unusable as is, but I'm worried I could hurt it further by continuing to use it without fixing the issue. Is that a valid concern?
Ned -

Have you tried to move the hammer when there is no pressure on it, as when the upper section is in the open position ?
Is the hammer still difficult to move ?

I know that most all of these guns, the hammer has very sharp edges on their corners. While the friction surface is nice and smooth, the hammer corners will dig into the locking pin.
As was previously noted, a little rounding of the sharp edges will go a long way in smoothing of the hammer movement off of the locking pin. It did on mine.

ANY...sanding or file work done...NEEDS to be done with the rest of the gun protected from the metal filings ! You don't want to get these little bits of steel grit into finely machined parts where they can grind things up...and otherwise...do damage !
A clean rag, towel, etc., wrapped around the rest of the gun will help keep it clean.

Thanks for the replies everyone!
To the people who suggested I sand it down - I strongly suspect you're right, but given that I couldn't even figure out how to open it to do so, I didn't feel comfortable undertaking that (especially as I think it would void my warranty.)
Anyway, I ended ups ending it in after talking to AirgunDepot - AFAIK I can get a full refund, though there might be a restocking fee. Sadly I think they're out of stock again now, which is a bummer - it was a lot of fun before the issue come up.
Thanks for the replies everyone!
To the people who suggested I sand it down - I strongly suspect you're right, but given that I couldn't even figure out how to open it to do so, I didn't feel comfortable undertaking that (especially as I think it would void my warranty.)
Anyway, I ended ups ending it in after talking to AirgunDepot - AFAIK I can get a full refund, though there might be a restocking fee. Sadly I think they're out of stock again now, which is a bummer - it was a lot of fun before the issue come up.
A restocking fee for taking back there defective item...hmmmmm... Hope not.