HW/Weihrauch Hw80k versions

Hi all.

I need a very pressing question answering, which I know my fellow airgunners will have an answer too.

The HW80/HW80k. A staple example of a springer!... But... has the performance changed at all over the years? Is it still the same internally as it was 20 years ago, or has it been dampened down at all. The new HW80k luxus looks cracking. But, I'm unsure whether to go for an earlier model as I want the magic that has given this gun somewhat of an external glory. That said, if the inner workings are the same across all generations, I shall go for the new versions as I do prefer the look.

Please help:)
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100% correct especially on the R1/80. The 80 has a big heavy 30mm piston. Driving it slow enough to make 12fpe makes the shot cycle long and unpleasant. Been there done that.

Most people don't know that slowing guns down to reduce the negative effects of recoil on accuracy has a limit. Long dwell times and slower muzzle velocities generally increases hold sensitivity. The opposite of what is desired.

I've run my 177 97 anywhere between 12 and 15 fpe. It's not any more accurate at 12 than 15. However it takes more concentration to do so at 15. It now sits happily around 14 where I like it best.
I was curious about this, so I called the British import of weihrauch this afternoon, to discuss what I'd read almost profusely on the forums. I explained that, the HW80 runs slightly sluggish at 12ft-lb with it being a power house built for full power..... He laughed at me... and said, whos told you that. I replied, is almost common knowledge on the forums. He assured me that the guns have a weaker spring and work perfect at sub12, without even breaking sweat. I guess I'll have to find out for my self. He did confirm that the inner workings of the gun haven't changed at all and it is still built for an FAC market, just with a weaker spring installed.
I was curious about this, so I called the British import of weihrauch this afternoon, to discuss what I'd read almost profusely on the forums. I explained that, the HW80 runs slightly sluggish at 12ft-lb with it being a power house built for full power..... He laughed at me... and said, whos told you that. I replied, is almost common knowledge on the forums. He assured me that the guns have a weaker spring and work perfect at sub12, without even breaking sweat. I guess I'll have to find out for my self. He did confirm that the inner workings of the gun haven't changed at all and it is still built for an FAC market, just with a weaker spring installed.
Unless they changed things, which they say they haven't, the spring is weaker only because its cut. Listen to them. I don't care. Remember they're in business to sell guns. Believe what you want. Even if they put a different weaker spring in there, you still cant argue with physics. There's a set amount of swept volume and piston mass. If you move that big heavy piston fast enough to make a good shot cycle, you automatically exceed 12 FPE. Its simple physics.

The only way to reduce power and increase piston speed close to normal is to vent the piston or open up the transfer port. To the best of my knowledge and their own admission the only change is a weaker spring. Go shoot a non FAC and a FAC 80 and a few other Weihrauchs. Then come talk to me. Do what you want. Your only hearing what you want to hear. I'm done wasting my time.
I was curious about this, so I called the British import of weihrauch this afternoon, to discuss what I'd read almost profusely on the forums. I explained that, the HW80 runs slightly sluggish at 12ft-lb with it being a power house built for full power..... He laughed at me... and said, whos told you that. I replied, is almost common knowledge on the forums. He assured me that the guns have a weaker spring and work perfect at sub12, without even breaking sweat. I guess I'll have to find out for my self. He did confirm that the inner workings of the gun haven't changed at all and it is still built for an FAC market, just with a weaker spring installed.
If you are confident that you will eventually get an FAC, then buying sub 12fpe and converting to FAC power later should be easy to do and will work out fine. But if for whatever reason you need to remain sub 12fpe, an hw80 in .22 is going to be a lousy shooting package IMHO. Good luck.
If you are confident that you will eventually get an FAC, then buying sub 12fpe and converting to FAC power later should be easy to do and will work out fine. But if for whatever reason you need to remain sub 12fpe, an hw80 in .22 is going to be a lousy shooting package IMHO. Good

If you are confident that you will eventually get an FAC, then buying sub 12fpe and converting to FAC power later should be easy to do and will work out fine. But if for whatever reason you need to remain sub 12fpe, an hw80 in .22 is going to be a lousy shooting package IMHO. Good luck.
British importers of weihrauch disagree with this hysterically. I've not shot it so I can't say. But my mate has the 99s so ill have chance to shoot both side by side and make my own assumptions on that I guess. Many thanks:)