HW/Weihrauch hw90 Pump Needed

I know the little SlimJim is about impossible to find.But somewhere I thought I https://www.pyramydair.com/product/...ng=en&searchConfigId=643645070c547549270ccc15 you could make an adapter for a PCP pump like the Hill.
I recently bought the whole fill works inc slim jim from best fittings. If I was going to do it again I would buy this https://www.pyramydair.com/product/...ng=en&searchConfigId=643645070c547549270ccc15
IMHO it makes much more sense than spending the $200 plus dollars I spent I believe that it will screw right to a hill
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I use the ROCKSHOX 600 PSI pump Schrader adapter with teflon tape to pump up my HW90/.25. Works great, adapter cost 9 bucks:
Rockshox Monarch Air Valve Adaptor Tool
Use small metal rod to tap out pressure. For this unit, using either old DIANA MAGNUM 20grain or H&N FTT 20.06grain, i get 19.0FPE from factory setting with 60LBS cocking effort, ~18.51 FPE=20BAR with easy 40LBS cocking effort; 12.5FPE=14/15BAR with very easy cocking. BAR measurements using Rockshox High Pressure Fork & Shock Pump-
Cocking force measured with bathroom spring scale. The brass AOA Quick connect male to Schrader valve only works if I take off stock, because our Benjamin hand pump's female QC head is to big, causing interference with stock.