The 97k .177 Bluesy from a few posts up (on the red pillows) has undergone some changes.
Stripped, excess weight in piston removed, preload adjusted via notch position on tophat, spring ends polished, sized the Vortek piston seal, relubed, and Rekord trigger assembly replaced with a Luke Jolly tuned unit w/ straight Rowan blade.
Cocking effort stiff and shot cycle still has an abrupt 'knock' characteristic to it but there's less reticle movement after firing than before. At the end of the day, its all about the accuracy. And this 97k is exceptional.
5 shot group, POA was a Sharpie dot, seated FT position off the bare knee, JSB 8.4 Exacts, mild cross breeze, 23 yards. Tight group! Shots 4 and 5 touched very little paper and hit brush downrange. Had to stay cool for shot 5 (I had lots of coffee).
Right at 13fpe.
I'm going to leave this rig as is for now. Next up will be some 55 yard group therapy