Well folks, here is another thread about .20 cal. and why I love 'em. The ones I have just plain SHOOT!
This is a Huntington Beach Beeman HW97K. I shot this 2-shot group, adjusted my POI then shot this 5-shot 1/4" c.t.c. group from exactly 25 yds. today with JSB 13.73's., sitting on a stool and resting the gun on an adjustable bipod. Not all my spring guns are as forgiving when rested on a bipod but this one doesn't seem to mind.
This gun is not "tuned". I got it at a show a little over a year ago and doubt it had ever been fired. It was full of grease, went BANG! when I tried it at home and generated 18 fpe! Cleaned it, lubed it lightly, put in a new Vortek seal and reassembled.
I'd prefer if the faster, flatter shooting H&N 11.42's shot this well but the group I fired with H&N's before these groups went into a 1/2" c.t.c 10 shot group.
This gun keeps proving to be a keeper.
This is a Huntington Beach Beeman HW97K. I shot this 2-shot group, adjusted my POI then shot this 5-shot 1/4" c.t.c. group from exactly 25 yds. today with JSB 13.73's., sitting on a stool and resting the gun on an adjustable bipod. Not all my spring guns are as forgiving when rested on a bipod but this one doesn't seem to mind.
This gun is not "tuned". I got it at a show a little over a year ago and doubt it had ever been fired. It was full of grease, went BANG! when I tried it at home and generated 18 fpe! Cleaned it, lubed it lightly, put in a new Vortek seal and reassembled.
I'd prefer if the faster, flatter shooting H&N 11.42's shot this well but the group I fired with H&N's before these groups went into a 1/2" c.t.c 10 shot group.
This gun keeps proving to be a keeper.
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