Sorry for starting another HW97K thread but, I did not want to continue hijacking other people's threads, and I could not find the information I seek using AGN's search, or google, or youtube. Sorry for the long post.
I am an airgun noob, but I have mechanical ability. I used to be a machinist (25+ years) but, I no longer have access to machine tools. I made a career change 5 years ago. I currently shoot a Gamo gas ram rifle that I've worked on (lube tune, debur, piston seal and sizing, trigger, flipped the ram) but I am less than satisfied with the accuracy. I'm hoping the accuracy problem is not all me. My new Weihrauch should arrive soon (I have tracking info but, it's currently still in Europe). I chose .22 because I already have a ton of .22 pellets, and I need to remove the occasional nuisance red squirrel. Primary use will be paper targets. Primary desire is to shoot as far as I can, as accurately as I can. Probably should have gotten .177. I'm sure I'll end up with one in .177 soon enough.
PCP is not an option at this time.
Air Rifle Headquarters lists a Hornet FAC kit for the HW97, with a disclaimer/warning about how the kit will not fix your rifle or increase performance if you have a bad compression tube. I asked for more info/help on diagnosing this type of problem. I was given someone else's email to contact. It's been a couple weeks. I don't expect a response. And that's the primary reason I started this thread.
So, here's the many questions:
I am an airgun noob, but I have mechanical ability. I used to be a machinist (25+ years) but, I no longer have access to machine tools. I made a career change 5 years ago. I currently shoot a Gamo gas ram rifle that I've worked on (lube tune, debur, piston seal and sizing, trigger, flipped the ram) but I am less than satisfied with the accuracy. I'm hoping the accuracy problem is not all me. My new Weihrauch should arrive soon (I have tracking info but, it's currently still in Europe). I chose .22 because I already have a ton of .22 pellets, and I need to remove the occasional nuisance red squirrel. Primary use will be paper targets. Primary desire is to shoot as far as I can, as accurately as I can. Probably should have gotten .177. I'm sure I'll end up with one in .177 soon enough.

Air Rifle Headquarters lists a Hornet FAC kit for the HW97, with a disclaimer/warning about how the kit will not fix your rifle or increase performance if you have a bad compression tube. I asked for more info/help on diagnosing this type of problem. I was given someone else's email to contact. It's been a couple weeks. I don't expect a response. And that's the primary reason I started this thread.
So, here's the many questions:
- Anyone know where I can find info on diagnosing a faulty/leaking compression tube?
- Is this problem still common? With current production units?
- What is the fix for a leaking compression tube? Replace it? Bore it oversize (and round), and hone? Something else?
- Where do you guys source OEM Weihrauch parts in the US? Pyramyd lists some but, no where near all parts, and many are branded as Beeman.
- I have found several (I think older) posts claiming OEM Weihrauch breech seals and piston seals are better than aftermarket. Is this really the case, with current production models/parts? What are THE breech seals to use? What are THE piston seals to use?
- It seems most find that .177 at the 12 fpe level is the best for accuracy. Does the .22 spec'd at 14.7 fpe need to be detuned to achieve its best accuracy?
- Care to share the .22 energy, pellet, weight, velocity, head size that gave you the best accuracy?
I have many tuning kit specific questions but, I think I'll contact the sellers/designers first.
I realize I'm getting ahead of myself, seeing how I don't even have the rifle yet but, I am trying to be able to take care of issues quickly, should they arise. Call it advance planning.
Thanks for any help. My apologies again for the lengthy post.