N/A Hy-score Pistol Drop Fire Discovery

Warning: Don t Drop your Hy-score pistol or it may discharge without the trigger being pulled

After accidently dropping one of my Hy-score pistols in the garden on soft earth ( still ouch!) -- But . . . There are no discernible marks to be found on the outside of gun. The gun was seriously damaged in the fall because now it fires without the trigger being pulled!
Unfortunately the gun (sometimes) discharges when I am closing the gun after cocking. If I push the barrel latch foward and close the receiver after cocking it; the gun will fire (Everytime).
Nothing seems different about the gun - I cannot see any damage. I collect Hy-score pistols and have another that fires when you close the action (sometimes). Now I know that the gun was probably dropped.

If any of the readers know how to fix the gun so it stops firing when the barrel latch is actuated (always) or stops firing when closed sometimes. Please share your experience and know-how. I collect Hy-score pistol and have no idea how to fix it.

My Hy-score is an early model that has sear trip lever that measures around .960 inches instead of the later more common longer one around 1.250 inches. Thank you.

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