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I am Done with Airgunning. My gun is a complete loss. Thanks to Tony At Talon Airguns

It all started when I purchased a Uragan 2 King, from Tony at Talon Tunes, now known as Talon Airguns.
It was the worst business transaction of my entire life. I paid this little toad, a 500.00 deposit, and a couple days later paid him off 1500.00, plus 179.00 for a moderator.
Days went by and I heard nothing from this guy. It finally got to the point that I did not know if I was getting a new airgun, or not. Every time I tried to call he ignored the call.
I could not get any information from him at all. So finally I sent a text message demanding that he either send the gun, or, provide a full refund.
Low and behold, the phone rings and he was mad. So I just told him straight up, either send the gun today, WITH A TRACKING NUMBER or provide a full refund. His response? Ok then he hung up the phone on me. Later that day I received a tracking number. Several days later, the gun showed up.........WITH NO RECEIPT. In other words no way to verify anything for warranty services. Or even that a purchase had been made. This was in early December, 2024.

Fast forward to February 2025: The gun broke. Leaking air. Fill it and less than a day later the gun is empty.
I tried to contact Tony , the owner of Talon Airguns. You know, the guy I purchased the gun from.
Would not answer his phone, ignored messaging. A request was put in to have Tony send a shipping Label for warranty work. This was completely ignored and not replied to. Instead
he sent a valve through the mail. At this point , I've had enough of the gun so, on my dime, I sent the gun to Derrick Wall for repair.

Airgun technologies was contacted and they are utterly useless. They offered nothing. They apologized for Tony. And that was the end of them.

Days passed with no updated tracking information. To this day , no updated tracking information.
So now I'm at the mercy of the United states Post office. I put 2000.00 worth of insurance on the gun prior to shipping.
But there's a catch.
No proof of purchase.
No receipt of purchase. - just like the gun never existed.

Derrick tried to contact Tony to provide a receipt so I can file an insurance claim. This was ignored by Tony.
I literally had to hire an attorney to make contact with Tony, to provide a receipt.
Tony provided an incomplete receipt, for 1500.00. No mention of the 500.00 deposit, no mention of the rail, no mention of the moderator.
Again the Attorney had to contact Tony. At which time he provided a more detailed receipt to the attorneys office, not me.

Catch number 2: Tony conveniently provided an incorrect date of purchase.
The gun was purchased on December 2, 2024.
The receipt that the Attorney received is dated, February 28, 2025. This was done intentionally.
The gun was shipped to Derrick Wall on February, 18, 2025. So by the United states Postal Service logic,,,,,,,,I did not even have a gun to ship at this time and I am attempting to commit fraud.

So at this time, I have no gun. I have insurance on this gun that I cannot use to regain my losses. And it was all intentionally done by Tony at Talon Airguns.
Had he sent a UPS label, then the gun would have shipped UPS and not United States Postal service and would likely have been back home by now.
Had he sent a valid receipt, I would at least be able to make an insurance claim.

So keep this in mind the next time you see a post telling you what a great guy Tony is...........likely from a burner account.
I cannot stress enough to you reading this what a horrible miserable person he is. And , at some point you will be sorry you ever purchased anything from him.
This is still not resolved and I'm hoping it explodes right in his face. Because I'm prepared to cut my nose off to spite my face and have legal action set forth. Including all travel time, all attorney fees and anything else I can get.
At which time he becomes a responsible party.

I really liked that gun. But I'll never own another one, after all of this. Airgun technology has done nothing..........absolutely nothing. They are well aware of how Tony operates, not just from me but also many many others. They have done absolutely nothing to bring resolution.
Also keep in mind that if you purchase anything branded " airgun technologies" you will be Ghosted and left hanging.

Today is the Third time Tony is contacted by an attorney to provide a proper receipt. So every single thing is documented. My phone records will show many things. Along with bank statements. And all he had to do is provide a proper detailed receipt. Oh and he could actually warranty what he sells. So you guys have been warned not to make the same mistake that I have made. If I had known what Tony was/is back then , I would never have purchased this gun from him.

I considered at first, " Why buy a gun that will leak in the future?" And thought about it and said to myself , ," well I'll just get it fixed when that happens, no big deal."
But as you can see it IS a big deal. It's a huge deal.
So today , airgunning for me is officially over. I'm never going through this again with any gun that leaks. Or will leak in the future, and they ALL do that.
One day , when someone invents a really nice airgun that doesn't leak. I may enter airgunning again.
So now I'm just a forum member, nothing more.
In summary : ALL of the Horror Stories you've heard about Tony at Talon Airguns AND Airgun Technologies horrible customer support are 100% accurate.
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