I believe I have stumbled upon Edgun's best kept secret...


As many of you allready know, I recently got into prairie dog hunting. Me and my boys made a trip out to western SD about 3 weeks ago to make our first attempt at getting the critters. 

The hunt was both entertaining and educational. I was hunting with my .25 impact x shooting 34 grain pellets at 905 fps. My son was shooting my .22 edgun cruising at 930 fps.

Both guns shot very well for being pellets and having to "stretch" to 130 yards very regularly. Even 150 yards with my .25 impact. 

We greased approximately 12-14 critters before the wind became untenable gusting to 15-20 mph.

"I need a slug gun". I said to myself. "How do I get a slug gun without having to "pull hairs in frustration" and dump oodles of pounds of lead experimenting with different slugs and different barrels and different speeds and different harmonic vibrations. 

"I need to buy someone's gun that has allready done the homework. 

Enter the classifieds.... lol

My very next trip shopping on the Nation classifieds I found a .25 r3m edgun that the owner claimed was shooting slugs at 945 fps with very "reasonable"results. 

"It will whack a 2" spinner 10 times out of 10 at 120 yards!" He said. 

My ears jumped a quarter inch. My heart started pounding in my chest. My palms started getting sweaty.... my mouth started to drool. 

I have owned 3 edguns before and had nothing negative to say about them. They were excellent PELLET shooters, but SLUGS?

Long story short, I shovelled out some cash through my PayPal account, and presto! She arrived at my doorstep 3 days later. 


My hands shook with excitement as I squeezed the 29 grain NSA slugs into the magazine and lined her up at 40 yards. 1,2,3,4 and 5! Wow! This is looking promising! Here is my very first 5 shots doing groups with her....

Who shoots groups at 40 yards? Let's take her to 50!


By now I was beside myself. I have had many guns that shot pellets as good as this, but not slugs slugs were like shotguns. 2" or 3" at 50 yards not uncommon. Mostly I tried my .25 impact with either an A or B barrel liner. Absolutley no luck.

So now it's time to stretch her to 100. Can she hold groups together at 100 yards? I shot about 6 or 7 5 shot groups. Most of them were at moa or just over!

Here are some of the better ones! Obviously I cherry picked the groups a little bit, but also also bear in mind these groups were shot in 5-10 mph winds. Far from ideal conditions, but still pretty nice!

Five shoots, 100 yards.

Five shots at 100 yards

5 shots at 100 yards.

Bottom 2 shots are from another group. 

I hardly know what to say. This truly is a dream come true! A slug shooter without the hassle of tuning! 

Here is the sweet part. The gun shoots 34 grain pellets beyond average. And within a quarter inch of the same impact as the slugs at 50 yards. No resighting the scope! Wow! Here is a five shot group the previous owner shot with the 34 grain pellets at 50 yards. 

Ok. I can't find that group anymore. But they are 5 shots virtually touching. Truly stacking in under 1/2"

So what I'm getting at is this gun is absolutely AMAZING with pellets, I guess we all knew that, but what seems to be a well kept secret is its tremendous potential with slugs as well!

Now granted, this R3M is not exactly stock. It has a huma reg with a power plenum, plus a hammer weight installed. But even with all these add-ons, my guess is one would still be well under the price of an impact. Especially a tricked out one. 

The other nice thing about this edgun is how amazingly simple it is to strip down and fix leaks and tune.... etc. 5 or 6 different orings and presto! Good for another 2 years!

Ok. I guess you guys get my point! I love my edgun! I shall now see myself to the door... lol

God bless! Shoot safe!

I have an Edgun R5M .177

12.5gr slugs just arrived this week and I was supposed to go to our club yesterday and try it out. Rained out tho so I have to wait.

I really like my Edgun. One thing I really like is that I can fill it and take it to a friend's house w/o all the other stuff I need to normally support PCP. This little gun will easily shoot 10mags w/o needing a refill. It's very accurate too. Even though it's only a .177 I can easily take a bunny with a headshot at 75yds on a calm afternoon.

Only thing I don't like about the Edgun is that if you can't or don't count to ten you'll fire an empty chamber. All my other PCP guns will not allow this and I find it a glaring flaw in what would otherwise be a darn near perfect design.

Hopefully Ed will make a new one soon that doesn't have this issue. I would definitely buy another Edgun if he solved this problem.


I have mine set up the same and am taking it out today to try and sight in with the NSA 26.8, but i had to get a SST because the slugs would not stay in the magazine during cocking the rifle....Not sure if the 29's are a little longer or wider...Let me know if you have any ideas/information on FPS you are shooting it and reg setting.

Tony P.

Try replacing the magazine orings with a single #13 ORing. Once you get the slugs seated past the ORing they will not move.


Ed or somebody just has to design a better magazine. My magazines that don't empty fire have a plastic flap that prevents the pellet probe from going forward when the mag is empty. And...all my indexing problems were caused by the magazine not TOTALLY seating the pellet fully into the magazine. Just a thousandths (WAG) will not alllow it rotate reliably. So even though I was one who was ready to sell my Leyla for parts I wouldn't hesitate to own another because of 'indexing' problems. Poster above is the master on Edguns.
Awesome! Isn’t it great when you score on a gun that someone has gotten tired of? I saw that one but I’d just purchased a .30 Matador a few weeks before. I’m glad that it worked out for you....I’m loving mine after a good and thorough barrel cleaning....no less than about 20 Ballistol treated patches through it. Enjoy in good health and stay safe.
I have an Edgun R5M .177

12.5gr slugs just arrived this week and I was supposed to go to our club yesterday and try it out. Rained out tho so I have to wait.

I really like my Edgun. One thing I really like is that I can fill it and take it to a friend's house w/o all the other stuff I need to normally support PCP. This little gun will easily shoot 10mags w/o needing a refill. It's very accurate too. Even though it's only a .177 I can easily take a bunny with a headshot at 75yds on a calm afternoon.

Only thing I don't like about the Edgun is that if you can't or don't count to ten you'll fire an empty chamber. All my other PCP guns will not allow this and I find it a glaring flaw in what would otherwise be a darn near perfect design.

Hopefully Ed will make a new one soon that doesn't have this issue. I would definitely buy another Edgun if he solved this

This may have been mentioned elsewhere before...I used a silver marker to make a mark on the magazine and I always load it with the mark at the top. After nine shots the mark is again at the top....a quick glance at the magazine lets me know that I have gone through a full cycle. Hope this helps.

Etal / MonsterMaxx,

I have a Taipan Vet with similar mag design, marking the mag is a good suggestion, however when cycling a new round I can feel the pellet passing by the breach oring. If I don’t feel this resistance when cycling I know that I’ve shot the last pellet out of that mag. Doesn’t the Edgun have a breach oring? Just wondering as I have a Leshiy 2 on the way someday, of course while tying this I realize that it is semi-auto so there is no pellets probe to push forward, I’ll definetly have to mark the mags on the Leshiy 2.

