I blame Ralpie from Christmas Story

one of my favorite Christmas movies

i wonder how many air gunners Ralphie and the movie spawned
Great movie, fun post. I was a teenager by the time A Christmas Story was made. I had a friend with a Daisy, but never really got the “bug” until I was much older (Married with Children - LOL). Of course when I got my first springer, my friends chastised me not to shoot my eye out!
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What do you mean?

By the time i had watched the christmas story, i already had a crossman pumper and a single shot 22l. Still a great movie though.
By that time a FWB 124d, 300s and a Diana 6 pistol, along with numerous shotguns, rifles and handguns, along with a 12 year old son with a Daisy.
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I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen this movie. Especially so since I was 14 when it was released & already intrigued by airguns, although not allowed to have one.

I also grew up very close to where parts of the movie were filmed in Cleveland.

I'll have to watch it with my boys.
You are in for a treat, the narration is hilarious…
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