I Call It "The Sawfish"

I think that there is some resemblance between my new target array and the fish of that name:



I won't be able to shoot it at home as my backstop is not high enough. But I can shoot it with friends at the range during the next Cowboy match weekend.

Targets are coffee stir sticks with painted ends. Require a little labor to paint, but cheap to purchase at $7.50/1,000. They should be an adequate challenge at 25-35 yards, and there are a total of 86 targets, or a 2-shooter challenge with 43 targets each.


Now that I have sticks painted, it takes me less than 10 minutes to re-set/refill the target array.


Things may get shot up, but it is all scrap wood anyway.
How are you painting them? Are you actually "painting" each individual stick by hand or could you just dip the ends into the paint to make it go faster? Cool idea either way.

I lay a bunch out on a piece of cardboard, even them up with a straightedge and tape them on with masking tape (both ends) trying to get about the same length of color on each. Then just hit with a quick spray of paint. No worry whether paint gets on the middle - that is covered up by the board. And no worry about getting the back painted either.

It is definitely not the most fun you can have with your clothes on, but after a few 'boards' it seems to only take 2-3 min to set up the next one. And you really don't have to be too accurate. The brighter the color, the better though.



Sticks are still full length - the width of the boards was cut so that about 3/4" of the 5.5" sticks stick out from each side.

There are no grooves in the board - what you see are just lines so that I can load the sticks kind of straight.

That board marked 'back' does have a layer of very thin double-sided adhesive film on it. I lay the sticks onto the adhesive surface and they stay in place when I close the Sawfish back up after loading it.

The stuff I used was a rejected component from work, and I've been using up that roll for the past 40 years. You want real thin, and without too aggressive of an adhesive. Maybe something like this (put down a strip about an inch from each side of the board):
