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I do not accept Postal Money Orders. Why?

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The post office has been facing a pending liquidity crisis for years. The $10 Billion emergency funding from Congress was a stop-gap only. It's obvious that the USPS revenue is insufficient to cover costs. It can be privatized or made part of the federal budget, but one way or other funding will be found for this essential service. Your USPS money order will not bounce, just deposit it. Many businesses have little or no cash on hand. Many folks believe that UPS or FedEx could take over the postal operation and run it more efficiently. That may be, but we need to be careful what we wish for, as I think there would be huge sticker shock at the pricing.
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Does it really change the principle?

They are issuing paper they don’t back. Kinda like our government.

Thanks for the heads-up. Heading to the bank now to see what’s what.
They take digital payments at the post office these days and rarely have significant cash anymore.

If you can deposit a check you can deposit a money order. I sign and deposit mine using my banks app on my phone.

I don’t love having to visit the post office to get them but overall I find them to be convenient and secure. I don’t want Bitcoin any more than I’d want wooden nickels or bus tokens.
They take digital payments at the post office these days and rarely have significant cash anymore.

If you can deposit a check you can deposit a money order. I sign and deposit mine using my banks app on my phone.

I don’t love having to visit the post office to get them but overall I find them to be convenient and secure. I don’t want Bitcoin any more than I’d want wooden nickels or bus tokens.
You nailed it, I don't care to go to the PO or the bank. I just take a picture of the checks on my bank app and deposit the check. I deposited a check for $3k in my bank account just last week in about 2 minutes through the app. You hardly have to leave the house to do much in these days! I love it.
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You guys will go through all this effort with a USPS Money Order but complain about sending a PayPal F&F transaction. Too freakin funny. It's all just cash at the end of the day.

Take the USPS MO and deposit it like any other check in your bank account.

And yeah - I'll never use bitcoin - EVER.
I’ve been to three Post Offices this morning to redeem a $350 postal service money order.

I have been told by all three that they are not able to redeem the value of the money order I was sent to sell an optic because they do not keep cash in their drawers and are at the whim of the customers’ use of cash to pay for services whether they have that money or not. I turned around after waiting for an hour in a regional office and ask the long line of people if anyone was paying with cash - not a hand raised.


In a world that is increasingly cashless, these money orders are a PIA and are literally worthless - the postal service will not honor them at the time they are rendered for payment.

This is why I Bitcoin, amongst other reasons.

For those sellers accepting this payment type in the Classifieds, I wish you luck. For those buyers claiming that these money orders are as safe as cash in your hand, you are incorrect and disingenuous.

Will I eventually get the cash, probably. But I will spent untold time and effort to do so, making the value of the “money” far less than what paying a mere 3% fee for instant liquidity would provide.

Done, and done.
They do not keep cash on hand because of safety and security reasons at my local PO. I have never had a problem cashing a postal money order. But I realize my bank deals with monetary sources of every source, buy does not deal in mail or shipping! On the contrary, my post office specializes in mail and shipping, but does not and do not intend to become a financial institution dealing in monetary sources!

My postal service offers Postal money orders for customer convenience. My bank recommends a 3 day hold on all Postal Money Orders, and will only cash out on them if my accounts balances are higher than that amount. But it is not for fear of getting the money from the post office! It is and they have told me because of the risk of counterfeiters!!!! Like Bank Money Orders from other banks, or cashier checks, all have become an opportunity for slugs to counterfeit!

But far to many choose these irresponsible more expensive ways of payments from strangers! That or they want to use f&F and steal from PP using it with no security instead of paying the measily 2.3% which is usually cheaper than a PO money order to begin with. But that's another misconceived subject that far to many offer information about with limited facts mostly after they screwed them out of the money they were supposed to pay if they wanted a secure method of paying for goods or services!!

Every payment method is as secure as you make it!
I would rather shut my finger in a car door than go to the post office.

Always took them to the bank the first time, and never had any issue.

Personally I hate postal money orders. They are no better or worse than one from anywhere else, and it's a hassle for all parties.

I dont need anything bad enough to buy from someone I don't trust. And if I trust them, they can use PayPal f&f or mail me a check.
This is fraud at its finest! One more reason PO doesn't get involved with so many involved in fraud these days. F&F is violating their rules to begin with, and is stealing when used for goods or services!! FACT! I gladly pay the fees for legitimate PP payments, if others wont take it, it should be obvious they are frauds! And I don't accommodate fraudulent sellers! Keep it honest, and responsible, and you will have peace of mind!
HFSP (Have Fun Staying Poor)

I received two USPS money orders for one gun sale totaling $1,785. Three different post offices and four trips before I got lucky that they had enough cash on hand to cash them. My on-line bank doesn't accept them as digital deposits any longer citing too much fraud. The local Walmart and Kroger's stores the same. I won't go through this again.
I received two USPS money orders for one gun sale totaling $1,785. Three different post offices and four trips before I got lucky that they had enough cash on hand to cash them. My on-line bank doesn't accept them as digital deposits any longer citing too much fraud. The local Walmart and Kroger's stores the same. I won't go through this again.
This is what we have to deal with because of fraudulant people, they make us all pay because of them, that believe in truth and responsibility!
This is fraud at its finest! One more reason PO doesn't get involved with so many involved in fraud these days. F&F is violating their rules to begin with, and is stealing when used for goods or services!! FACT! I gladly pay the fees for legitimate PP payments, if others wont take it, it should be obvious they are frauds! And I don't accommodate fraudulent sellers! Keep it honest, and responsible, and you will have peace of mind!

Well said Wildcatter! And although I've said the same many times, I couldn't have said it better (again).(y) Far as I'm concerned, when someone wants to use F&F for Goods & Services it tells me something about their integrity, and puts my Spidey senses a-tingling!🤬

Well said Wildcatter! And although I've said the same many times, I couldn't have said it better (again).(y) Far as I'm concerned, when someone wants to use F&F for Goods & Services it tells me something about their integrity, and puts my Spidey senses a-tingling!🤬


I don't remember ever doing business with anyone here or elsewhere that has had an issue with my integrity.

As much as you use this forum to brag about yourself, it seems that you need some sort of reassurance about your own appearance to others.

I buy airguns from my friends. Therefore I don't need Paypal's "protection". I have never persuaded anyone to use that it didn't want to.

Hell most of the time I send the buyer whatever I'm selling and tell them to pay me when they are sure they are happy with it. Haven't been burned yet.

If that isn't integrity between both parties, I don't know what is.

I don't need you to tell me your opinion on my integrity. Especially if you haven't or aren't doing business with me.
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