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I dont trust you. (When buying in classified)

The door swings both ways .
Say I buy a 2k gun on here. The seller says everything is great. When I get it. It’s got issues. Paying any other way than Goods and Services leaves me the buyer with Zero protection. I also have no problem adding the 3% fee that is Legally the sellers cost of doing business. Not the buyer.
I do see the other side too. But you are paying at a discount vs new. If anyone have problems with used guns, just buy new from a retailer and pay the full price. We as members here buy at a discount cause it's used, we take the risk. Most issues with use guns are small leaks. Easy and cheap to repair. Mostly just changing a few o rings.
I've had plenty of strange exchanges here too, being blocked by a member then they want to buy a gun from me, being told by another "the sky's the limit" on a conversion only to be scolded for the end price that was under the gustimate I gave him and another made a demand that I do the impossible to a cheap gun and he'd "pay me what he thought was fair" when it was done.

I've been fortunate that I've not been ripped off, the 2 checks I got were in advance so when they turned up as fakes, I only lost bank fees.
If buyer is afraid (won't) send payment .. walk away. Wishy-washy, slow deciding and excuses are red flags.

If there is no trust that there is honesty and integrity on either side, there should NOT be a transaction. There's always some risk.

There's risk in everything in life, every day. If you had a $2k gun you were selling for 1k and you had excellent transaction history on this site, I would ask any questions I had, and if there was satisfactory and prompt communication, the deal would be made, and payment quickly made based on forum history and trust developed during communications between buyer and seller.
My pet peve is often the fault of both parties in not asking/not telling about leaks, scratches, mods and any work that was performed on the gun in the past.
I’ll second that, if the gun leaks, just say it…there are plenty of shops and folks right here that can help fix the leak or that a leaky gun can be sent to them, same with scratches, it’s obviously not a deal breaker, but if it has them and you’re hiding it-brace for bad feedback lol
Offering a phone conversation is a good way to build trust and establish a bit of a relationship.
This right here. A phone call will often scare away a scammer or a person who is "window shopping". After the second phone conversation you should be comfortable sending funds. If not, walk away. No harm no foul.
This right here. A phone call will often scare away a scammer or a person who is "window shopping". After the second phone conversation you should be comfortable sending funds. If not, walk away. No harm no foul.
Idk about that. With most scams it's from phone calls. I get them all the time. Example some guy called, sounded like he is India. Said something about calling from Microsoft and they notice I have some virus. He walked me through some stuff and said he can fix it if I paid him. I hang up lol. Another one, this scammer called Uber to pick up a package then called home owner to get money ready cause his grandson is in jail and need money for bail. The Uber drive goes to the house to pick up an item. Meet with the home owner who blew her head off. So imo, a phone call will not scared a scammer away. They actually loves phone calls to get you to trust me.
Yeah that's a good question. His message seem like he wanted me to send the gun to him first then he will pay. But no way lol.
I'm not defending anyone, but sometimes folks who are inexperienced in online classified transactions have a hard time understanding the buyer risk.
I guess we all acknowledge that, which is why we spend so much time vetting the seller. Maybe this prospective buyer is simply inexperienced.
I know I shouldn’t say this but everything I’ve bought or sold on this site I have been perfectly prepared to lose that money, gun or both. Every time I hit a giant double or triple jump, I’m fully prepared to wake up in an ambulance. It’s called risk. Even calculated risk is still risk. When I have a good transaction, I’m happy and thankful. If I get a weird vibe during any part of a transaction, I abort. And that may be what the newbie experienced. Poor bugger got cold feet and might have been strapped financially over the purchase.
I’ve purchased twice through the classifieds here and had to back out of a third. I sent money directly to the seller both times and received what I paid for. The sellers didn’t set off any alarm bells and I didn’t worry. The time I had to back out was when an unexpected expense hit and neither of us was out anything. Lots of scammers out there so if it just feels wrong it probably is.

Rick H.
It's really a gamble you take. Is there any extra information you can give us about this interaction? Depending on how sketched out they are, if it seems like the transaction is gonna be hassle, I just won't sell them the gun.

I've done more transactions on here than my feedback shows, (multiple trades with the same person) but they've all been good. Come to a mutual agreement where you both are happy/content and move forward. Be as honest as you can as informative as you can and as helpful as you can. This goes for buyers , sellers and traders.

It being a matter of trust.See how active they've been, There are members who have joined maybe 1-2 months ago , but have plenty of posts and are very active.
This is a concern of mine. I have been a member for awhile but I am not one to post things. I just search for information that I can use to fix something or solve a problem. I have kind of gotten out of shooting as much lately and have really nice airguns that I want to find new homes for. So now I'm working to get my 10 minimum "quality" posts so that it will let me pm folks and post classified ads. I worry people will think I'm sketchy when really I'm just not a posting type person and want to sell some of my stuff.
This is a concern of mine. I have been a member for awhile but I am not one to post things. I just search for information that I can use to fix something or solve a problem. I have kind of gotten out of shooting as much lately and have really nice airguns that I want to find new homes for. So now I'm working to get my 10 minimum "quality" posts so that it will let me pm folks and post classified ads. I worry people will think I'm sketchy when really I'm just not a posting type person and want to sell some of my stuff.
Well, I will say that the one thing that you have working for you. Is the fact that you've been a member for the past 2 years. So even if you don't have a whole lot of activity as long as you're somewhat active and you've been here and you don't have any negative or neutral reviews you should be fine. Somebody else mentioned speaking on the phone eases a lot of the members. I think I've only done that once, but I'm also pretty good at gaging who I want to make transactions with or not.
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Ok. So I listed a gun on classified for xxx amount. It's over $1000 of course. I got a pm by a buyer saying they want to buy my gun for the asking price. I offered free shipping and I will pay the pp fees. All buyer have to do is pay the asking price which he agrees to. Then he later said he don't trust me sending the money. Like wtf. I am a member since 2019. He only join may 2024. So who don't trust who here? Lmao. I am looking for advice. How do you guys sell guns over $1000 in here? Since we all strangers no one trust anyone lol. Buyers don't trust seller sending money, seller don't trust buyer they might do charged back saying they didn't get item or item wasn't what they wanted. How do you go about dealing with this?
I’d say for every high $ item you sell in the classifieds you will have at least 10 people waist your time. I really like the guys that offer you more than you ask, and then they have their “friend” come pick it up….. lots of people out there trying to rip you off for sure. Unfortunately if you want to sell your stuff you have to put up with these people,
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I’d say for every high $ item you sell in the classifieds you will have at least 10 people waist your time. I really like the guys that offer you more than you ask, and then they have their “friend” come pick it up….. lots of people out there trying to rip you off for sure. Unfortunately if you want to sell your stuff you have to put up with these people,
True. I hate folks who try to low ball you asking more than 50% off. Lol
Why did he even bother contacting you if he had no intentions of sending the money? LOL
This, your selling, your rules. I've sold plenty on Exhange boards over the years, never got burnt. Apply the rule "If it seems too good to be true" and you will be fine.

Put your rules in the post and if they give you grief, move to the next one.
If someone you're cutting a deal or ordering a more than generous deal, being open with information, communicating clearly, promptly, and fully to starts pulling stuff like this as others have said, run the other direction. This is a sign of that person's inherent quality. That's ignoring the weather report, radar, and other boaters telling "DONT GO OUT THERE MATEY, THARR BE SQUALLS TREACHEROUS AS PIRATES AND LADIES OF THE NIGHT, GUARANTEED AS TAXES TO DEPOSIT YE IN DAVEY JONES LOCKER!, and still going into open waters. It'll most likely end up being far more troubled and involved than it's worth.

Try that "i don't trust you" crap with the IRS, your mortgage co., a bail bondsman... See what happens.
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Preferably deal with well established members, unfortunately, that will not happen from time to time. I try to be helpful with any newbie I've dealt with. I'll tell them to check my feedback, if they say "I don't care"! I say bye, good luck on your search! I simply have no time for haggling bs. If they are not comfy with the offer, cool, no worries, move along then.
Ok. So I listed a gun on classified for xxx amount. It's over $1000 of course. I got a pm by a buyer saying they want to buy my gun for the asking price. I offered free shipping and I will pay the pp fees. All buyer have to do is pay the asking price which he agrees to. Then he later said he don't trust me sending the money. Like wtf. I am a member since 2019. He only join may 2024. So who don't trust who here? Lmao. I am looking for advice. How do you guys sell guns over $1000 in here? Since we all strangers no one trust anyone lol. Buyers don't trust seller sending money, seller don't trust buyer they might do charged back saying they didn't get item or item wasn't what they wanted. How do you go about dealing with this?
The folks I've dealt with here on AN led the way to what I do overall. IMHO, its very important for members to post feedback on their dealings.
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